My dandelion

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Thor x Reader


Asgard the realm of the Gods have been once again attack by the giants that live in Jotunheim known as the Jötnars. The Aesir's residents of Asgard can be seen panicking and running for their lives as the jötnars captures and feast upon their flesh, chewing them. The Aesir's were praying that someone, anyone at all would come and save them from their supposedly gruesome death.

The footsteps of someone echoed throughout the hallways, boots clicking on the marble floors everytime it makes contact with the floor. "H-huh?" The man whose kneeling on the marble floor looked up to see a man. The mysterious man made his way towards the enormous door of what it seems to be a temple, raised his arm to make contact with the hard but smooth surface of the door.

The other male who was previously kneeling hurriedly stand up, went to the side of the man and said in a shaky voice "Y-your not going out there r-right?, you'll get your self killed!" The man said nothing but glance down at the other male to which he got shivers.

The man have crimson hair, black eyes with golden irises, white Asgardian clothing and with what it looks like a cloak, to top it all hes carrying a gigantic hammer. He pushed the door open. Once it opened the jötnars came into view, the once beautiful city is demolished, the homes of their people are nothing but broken and crumbling walls.

Once the jötnars saw him standing outside the door they race their way towards him, ready to devour him whole. The man and so as the people inside panicked thinking that their death have now arrive, they looked petrified. The man outside the door was unfazed as he effortlessly swung the gigantic hammer that he carried with him, killing all 66 jötnars at once.

After the slaughter Thor sat on their lifeless body that is being stack on one another, bored. Yes, bored. Being a powerful God has its up and downs, one up; is hes respected everywhere he went, one down; no one is strong enough to fight him that can match his strength.


"However that was eons ago" said a woman with a darker shade of lavender hair, a golden half wings to the side of her hair; on top of her ear, sea green eyes that bored into your skull, she's seen wearing a white dress with a complicated geometric pattern. "B-but they said that Lord Thor have a lover, Brunhilde" replied a girl with a lighter lavender hair with a little hair clip on the side, teal doe eyes, wearing an orange jacket. "He does. The goddess of aid, though no one have seen her face" answered Brunhilde. "E-even the higher up Gods?" Questions the girl "yes Göll, even the higher up Gods, some say she died while some say she's isolating herself room the public. Either way none have seen her face"


The Norse God of thunder is walking through a thick fog above a hill. Once he reach on top the fog disappeared and hes met with a field of dandelions on full bloom, just a little bit further down the hill there stand a enormous estate with vines adorning the pillars that support the structure.

As he knock the door three times it opened itself, he went inside. The door close itself, he made his way up above the stairway in the middle of the room, facing the door, a gigantic portrait of two people in the middle of the stairway separating the other stairway, he turned right and continued walking.


Once he reach his destination he's met with a woman carrying a basket and plucking a few more dandelions on the ground, before looking up and running towards him discarding her hat that fell of her head when she ran. "Love!, your here I thought you could not come since your chosen to be a participant in ragnarok?" Pulling away from the God she stared at him. "I was, but I already won. The human; no Lü bu hes a great warrior, if only he were a God we would have become... friends" Thor said, his lips tilting upwards which did not go unnoticed by his lover. "I see, well then tell me more love!" Exclaimed the goddess smiling, she was willing to sit all day long listening to her lover talk.


Back at Valhalla the pantheons are discussing with each other until the God of Mischief had to disturb them "Hey, anyone of you seen Thor?" The Gods looked at him like he just said the most ridiculous thing in the universe, however they also thought the same as him, where is the God of thunder.


Both of the lovers are seen in the dandelions together, Thor telling his lover about his battle against Lü bu to which she listen intently. While Thor continuedon his story he couldn't be much more lucky to have the goddess as his lover, he'll cherish every second he have with her, after all she can easily disappear. Just like a dandelion.

Don't and DON'T ever ask me for updates, I'll update this oneshot if I want to. Keep in mind that I have a life too, just like you. Writing stories are simply a hobby of mine and I appreciate if you'll wait until I update again.

Bye luvs

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