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Beelzebub x reader


As Ragnarok continued, Beelzebub returned to Valhalla after finishing an errand that hades asked him in the Netherworld. Walking his way in towards the arena he felt someone bump into him, adverting his eyes, he's met with a young woman who happens to look as the same age as him, seeing him the female is sweating bullets, who wouldn't?, he can literally snap her like a twig if he want to. "P-please forgive me my lord, I didn't pay attention to my surroundings" she said while intensely staring at the marble floor. Beelzebub stared at her emotionlessly, silently observing her.

The female can barely control her nervousness around the God. 'out of all of the God's and Goddess that I could have encountered, it really have to be the Lord of the Flies!!'. As she thought about this, Beelzebub can't pinpoint on where he met her, in all of his time in roaming the heavens and the earth, her presence is quite familiar.


In the Netherworld Beelzebub is conducting a new experiments when a sudden crash outside of his door echoed. Feeling confused, he walked towards the door with a calm and compose manner, he was not expecting to see her at all, instead of Hades or Adamas he's met with a angel.

"Who are you?" He asked, he was not sure how to express himself, for here in front of him is none other than an angel. Her on the other hand froze on her spot, he's Beelzebub the avatar of Gluttony, the God who was cursed, and veseled by Satan himself. "U-uh, erm I'm your guardian angel!..." She said awkwardly.


"I have a guardian angel?" Beelzebub stared at her unsure. "Mhm, you have" she hummed with a nervous smile plastered on her face. 'if he doesn't believe me I might die in here! Why did you have to do this to me Michael!' She thought completely ignoring Beelzebub explaining to her why he doesn't believe that he has a guardian angel. "That's why I don't think that you're my “guardian angel”, are you listening?" He asked her "huh?, oh of course!" She snapped out of her thoughts. Beelzebub looked at her like she lost a few screws "you weren't listening were you?" He said, even though it was a question he said the truth, she wasn't listening. "No, I wasn't" she said sighing in defeat. Beelzebub raised a brow at her before clearing his throat and proceeded to ask her questions. "So, how did you...fell from heaven?" He asked her motioning to the ceiling and roof of his lab. "Ehe he he...about that..." She said nervously sweating. He raised a brow at her nervousness. "What happened?" He pressed the topic, wanting to know how an angel like her ended up falling from heaven to the Netherworld. Just as she's about to answer a glowing light appeared and engulfed her body before disappearing along with her.

Beelzebub stood there dumbfounded as she literally disappeared as if she was just a hallucination. Or maybe she was, maybe not, he doesn't know, not yet at least.

Hello luvs, I'm really sorry for not updating so soon. I started drawing on ibis paint again, yes again I drew on ibis paint before but I couldn't keep up plus I have also gotten busy reading other stories about ROR and I'm planing to make more stories because someone messaged me and told me to make more stories and that warmed my heart to make a story not oneshots. Anyways thank you luvs for waiting for me to update.

Don't and DON'T ever ask me for updates, I'll update this oneshot if I want to. Keep in mind that I have a life too, just like you. Writing stories are simply a hobby of mine and I appreciate if you'll wait until I update again.

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