𝐢𝐢. run boy, run.

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AS DEREK POURED OUT HIS BACKPACK, full of a wide variety of movies, recent and not recent at all, the group found themselves chuckling at the boy, who looked particularly proud of his collection.

"Oh my God, can we please watch 'Singin In The Rain'?" Asked Sharona, eagerly picking up the tape and holding it out for everyone on the sofa to see clearly. Gabby threw their head back in playful annoyance with the girl. "Come on! I only ask one thing on this trip."

"She's definitely not gonna live up to that statement." Dee remarked, tapping another movie tape rapidly onto his wrist impatiently. Sharona rolled her eyes at the boy, clearly not giving much of a shit if he wanted to watch her movie or not.

"It's your own fault for bringing it." Sharona replied, digging further into the pile of movies, but still holding onto her beloved Singin In The Rain. She came to the mental conclusion that nothing was better than it, and wouldn't settle for anything else. "Let's just watch it, right now."

"No, we are not watching Singin In The Rain."

"Who died and made you the boss?"

Sharona and Derek began yelling at each other over a movie, to which Barney pulled out her camera, documenting the entire fight as the rest of the teens just sat on the couch, watching them in ease.

"Fine! Oh my God, fine, we can watch your movie." Derek yelled, throwing his hands up in defense. Sharona jumped up and down with happiness, taking the tape away from Derek and sliding it into the player. The two unoccupied seats of Zack and Jesse were beginning to get more and more noticeable as the movie had progressed.

Davide looked to his side where Jesse was supposed to be seated before locking eyes with Jake, who had been looking at him before. David felt a small blush at his cheeks, but just furrowed his eyebrows. Josie was by far the most uninvested in the movie, groaning loudly every time the characters started singing. There was nothing she hated more than musicals.

𝐏𝐄𝐎𝐏𝐋𝐄 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄, scream apply ficWhere stories live. Discover now