𝐯. crocodile tears

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NOW SITTING DOWN IN WHAT RESEMBLED A CIRCLE, the tension among the teens seemed to be stronger than ever. Everyone was against everyone who wasn't there. Maybe no one was right, maybe they all were.

After a few minutes of an extremely painful silence, Rosa took a breath, finally getting the chance to speak up and voice her opinion.

"Alright, whoever it is, it has to be someone in the same room as us." Rosa declared. That wasn't entirely accurate, but her point still stood. "That explains why it's been an hour and Ghostface hasn't attacked yet. I'd they were going to, don't you think they would have done it already?"

"Maybe." Jake spoke. Sitting next to David, Jake knew he was safe, as for the others, they felt uncomfortable and out of place. "Or maybe they're just waiting until we don't expect it." He turned to Davide. "Do you think Zack actually killed them?"

"Not a chance." David shook his head at the question. He understood that Zack was dead, and that Ghostface was still after them. "But I think it's only a matter of time before whoever this guy is to attack."

"Or girl." Josie spoke. Although she definitely didn't stand for murder, she thought female killers were often disregarded as possible murderers. "It could be a girl too, it doesn't have to be a dude all the time."

"Well, yeah, whoever this person is, they're probably gonna strike sooner rather than later. What's stopping them?"

"Guilt?" Catalina suggested. She knew that if she were to be the killer, the thing stopping her from doing it again would be the guilt of being responsible for the death of another human with their whole life waiting for them. "Or maybe they're scared. Zack almost killed them, we can too."

"Would a masked killer really be afraid of a few teens, though?" Asked Dee, he knew for a fact that a killer would think about something for a long time. Not just do something in the heat of the moment. "There's eight of us, one of them. But they do have a knife."

𝐏𝐄𝐎𝐏𝐋𝐄 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄, scream apply ficWhere stories live. Discover now