𝐢𝐢𝐢. by chance

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WITH JUST A FLICK OF A LIGHT-SWITCH, Grayson let out a quiet sigh. He was followed by Zack, who turned off his flashlight and continued walking down the creaky stairs of the basement.

The room looked as if it hadn't been touched in years besides the spiders that likely made themselves a home down there. Gabby ran her finger on the dusty handle of the staircase, sure to stay close behind Sharona.

The light turned off, causing her to flinch. Grayson's eyebrows furrowed as he walked back up the stairs and attempted to flick the lights back on. He let out a groan as he banged it one last time. The old lightbulbs in the basement were no longer good for anything.

As if he wasn't already shaken up by Ghostface's attack minutes before, the dark hadn't made it any better. Grayson listened closely for any movements of any person. Zack had suggested hiding in the basement from Ghostface, who had previously disappeared from the sight of the teens. Maybe, he was already down there. Maybe, they were safe. As safe as you could be when trying to escape a masked killer.

Now, all the scared teens had was a flashlight that could go out any second. The light shook lightly due to Zack's hand shaking, but looking down the stairs, Ghostface was no where in sight from the bottom.

Wherever he was, he was definitely alive. Jake was too distracted by the fear still present in his eyes to even realize the firm hold he still had on Davide's hand, and he didn't really seem to mind at all.

Catalina's breath quivered, keeping a tight grip on the back of Grayson's jacket as the group continued waking down the stairs. Gabby suggested that it was beyond stupid that all of them went down considering that the basement was small, and it wouldn't take but a slash for the person behind the mask to kill any of them.

Zack placed his foot on the dirt floor of the basement, keeping his arm out and preventing Grayson from coming any further, but he just put his arm down and examined the room. The flashlight began to flicker, and in a matter of seconds, it went out, leaving the room nearly pitch black.

𝐏𝐄𝐎𝐏𝐋𝐄 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄, scream apply ficWhere stories live. Discover now