𝐢𝐯. divided

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THAT NIGHT WAS THE SCARIEST ONE OF ALL. It was brother against brother, pounding on eachother in search for the answers they so desperately deserved. The question of who, but more so why. Why would anyone do anything like this to a group of teens in the woods.

Barney was largely suspected amongst the group because she'd planned the trip, it was possible she could pull something like this off. Derek claimed her innocence, but they could have been a duo doing all the killings.

But Derek and Barney knew their innocence, and so did Rosa and Josie. Though, who was to say if they were lying or not? Everything could have been one big fib.

The ghostface costume outside of the cabin just made things all the more confusing. Ghostface had to be in the basement with them, or why else would they feel the need to escape. It was possible for someone in the basement without the costume to do the killings if it was a duo, leaving their partner to escape. Or, it could have been the four outside the cabin.

Gabby was just about fed up. Packing up the duffel bag in the room they stayed in, she aggressively packed her clothes into the bag. They lost enough, and were absolutely done. She didn't need to loose anyone else, and wanted justice to Sharona.

"Where are you going?" Asked Cat, knocking lightly on the door and speaking softly. Gabby turned to the girl, her puffy eyes meeting Cat's. They shook their head, turning back towards her bag. "Gabby, you can't just leave."

"So you think I should stay?" Gabby interrogated. Not wanting someone to get help in this situation was highly suspicious of being the killed. Cat shook her head at Gabriella's response. "I'm getting the police."

"And tell them what?" Cat reasoned. "That a bunch of teens with acahol and probably drugs in the middle of the woods saw some masked killer? They're gonna think we're crazy, that we just imagined it and frames a Ghostface killer."

𝐏𝐄𝐎𝐏𝐋𝐄 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄, scream apply ficWhere stories live. Discover now