Book Two, Chapter Four 2.4

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I forgot when exactly in the past year I started dabbling in astrology. No, I don't take it seriously, nor do I check my horoscope in the paper everyday or whatever. But trust me, I'm going somewhere with this.

Even though right now is Gemini season and Taurus season ended, like, two weeks ago. My birthday was a little over two weeks ago on May 15th. Wooo, happy late birthday Molly! Hope your 11th year of life brings you much happiness and luck. Or whatever you want to wish me.

Anyway, that being said, since my birthday is on May 15th that means I'm a Taurus, whose symbol is the bull.

Mythologically speaking, things that really annoy me are trios of old ladies, scorpions and bulls. Last summer, Percy had fought the minotaur, a half man half bull monster that tried to kill us on top of this very hill. What I saw was way worse than a bull: two bulls. They weren't just any regular bulls either- they were bronze the size of elephants. Of course even that wasn't enough. Naturally, they had to breathe fire, too.

Quick note: to all my Taurus gang, happy late birthday and let's be stubborn and foodies with refined tastes together. To my Gemini gang, happy late or early birthday. To my Scorpio gang, I love you. I really do. I just don't like scorpions. Taurus and Scorpio are brother/sister signs.

Back to the bronze bulls. They moved deadly fast for something so big. Its metal hide gleamed in the sun. It had fist size rubies for eyes and horns made of polished silver. When it opened its hinged mouth, a column of white hot flame blasted out.

As soon as we exited the taxi, the Gray Sisters peeled out, heading back to New York, where life was safer. They didn't even wait for their extra three drachma payment. They just left us on the side of the road, Annabeth with nothing but her backpack and knife, Tyson and Percy still in their burned up tie dyed gym uniforms.

"Oh, man," said Annabeth, looking at the battle raging on the hill.

What worried me weren't the bulls, or the ten campers in full battle armor who were getting their bronze plated butts whooped. What worried me was that the bulls were ranging all over the hill, even around the back side of the pine tree. That shouldn't have been possible. The camp's magic boundaries didn't allow monsters to cross past Thalia's pine. But the metal bulls seemed to be doing it anyway.

One of the heroes shouted, "Border patrol, to me!" A girl's voice- gruff and familiar.

Border patrol? I thought. The camp didn't have a border patrol.

"It's Clarisse," Annabeth said. "Come on, we have to help her."

Normally, rushing to Clarisse's aid wouldn't be on my "to do" list. She was probably one of the biggest bullies at camp, alongside her little half sister Bern. The first time we met, both had tried to give me and Percy swirlies. Both girls are daughters of Ares. Last summer, Percy and Ares got into a little... scuffle. Now the war god and his kids have basically hated our guts since then.

Still, she was in trouble. Her fellow warriors were scattering, running in a panic as the bulls charged. Can you blame them? The grass was burning in huge swathes around the pine tree. One hero screamed and waved his arms as he ran in circles, the horsehair plume on his helmet became a fiery Mohawk. Clarisse's own armor was charred. She was fighting with a broken spear shaft, the other end embedded uselessly in the metal joint of one bull's shoulder.

Percy uncapped his lethal ballpoint pen. I tapped my bracelet and took off my ring. Both mine and my brother's inanimate objects shimmering, growing longer and heavier until we held bronze swords in our hands. While I have the added shield.

"Tyson, stay here." Percy ordered. "I don't want you taking any more chances."

"No!" Annabeth said. "We need him."

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