Into The Dungeon

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Along West Main Street was a certain cafe.

Within the second floor of this cafe, at a table next to a glass window looking out at the street below sat a lone woman. She wore a navy blue cloak that hid the majority of her snowy-white skin. Yet every set of eyes in the cafe was locked onto her. None could catch but a glimpse of her true features, but they all stared slack-jawed at the lone figure. Every movement made their breath hitch within their throats. Even simply tracing the surface of her table with a finger was enough to make all in attendance hold their tongues in anticipation.

The Goddess Of Beauty, Freya, paid them no heed.

She merely sat at her table as her silver eyes watched the children of Gekai below. Humans, dwarves, elves. A few adventurers here and there. Some animal people trying to sell their wares to anyone who walked by.

Freya thoroughly examined them all with her sharp eyes. Never once did the leave the window, even a waiter came by to take her order. She didn't even turn to look at the boy but he was immediately captivated by her beauty. Her request for tea was short and simple, and the waiter moved to fulfill it as soon as possible.

Freya kept her eyes on the street below.

And it's thanks to that, that she caught sight of them.

It was by complete chance. Her gaze just so happened to move to the other side of the street. In the fresh early morning sunlight, the eyes of the Goddess of beauty fell upon a white-haired boy and a blue-haired man.

And within that instant, she fell in love with the white-haired boy.

His soul sung to her. A pure, white light that burned with a fire that had to blaze. A soul completely untainted by the cruelties of the world. A young man filled with the innocence of a babe, but with the potential to be so much more. This flame...this will burning within was like a soprano. One that captivated her the moment she heard it.

However, the soul that walked beside him was somehow the same...yet different.

Where the boy's soul had captured her heart, this man's soul did something else. It confused her.

For one thing, it wasn't like anyone else's soul. It wasn't an orb with a distinct color that detailed the life experiences of its owner. was...she wasn't sure. It was green in color but that was where similarities with other souls like it ended.

Because this was spinning.

That was the best way Freya could describe it. The young man's soul was spinning. Non-stop. Without any input whatsoever. It spun in place, the green light around it flowing with it. The force made the soul transform from just a color into...a...a drill?

Yes, that felt right. Freya didn't know why but calling that soul a drill felt right. And as she examined it further she found her confusion and curiosity growing by the second. For the soul was much like the boy's. Pure, radiant, and full of potential. But in some places, she could tell it was tempered. Like it had clashed with the realities of the world around it. But, rather than allow the flames within it to sputter and die, it continued to nurture them. To use them to fuel its fire.

A contradiction.

Yet it existed nonetheless.

As the two walked down West Main, Freya noticed something else. Something that, once she was aware of it, made her frown.

The green light of the young man's soul...some it had taken root within the white-haired boy's soul.


A growl from nearby made Simon and Bell stop walking. Simon blinked before turning to the white-haired boy. Bell stood stock still while doing his best to not look Simon in the eye. He just kept looking at anything and everything that wasn't his blue-haired companion. Simon turned to face Bell fully, both hands in the pockets of his coat. He cocked his head to the side while raising his right eyebrow, "Bell?"

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