Around Orario 1.0

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Hestia's hands stopped moving instantly.

As always, she was once again sitting on Bell's rear, using her blood to read the Falna inscribed on his skin. After the boy returned unconscious from the Dungeon with Simon, she helped Simon guide Bell into bed. Afterward, she gave Simon a good scolding for doing something as foolish as hitting a member of Loki Familia. Followed by an even more idiotic move of saying that he would challenge the entire Familia to a fight. He was fortunate that Loki respected Mama Mia enough not to cause a bigger scene. Though she didn't go too hard on him. If only because he had the foresight to not involve her Bell in his foolishness.

Once he had left, she crawled into bed with Bell and snuggled up with her one and only family. For entirely justifiable reasons. Such as making sure he stayed warm after staying the entire night in the Dungeon. Though he didn't seem to appreciate it when he screamed and jumped out of bed after waking up. After he calmed down, they decided to do a status update while it was still early. Hestia didn't know what to expect when she next saw Bell's progress, but what she was looking at certainly wasn't it.

Bell Cranel

Level One

Strength: H-135 - G-251

Defense: I-30 - H-130

Utility: H-139 - G-266

Agility: G-259 - F-330

Magi #%^#Spiral Energy: ?


Liaris Free #$%^Spiral Po #$ Power

Rapid Gro# Fighting Spirit

User can Manifest their Willpower and Fighting Spirit as#$%^

Continued desi#$ results in continued and stronger growth

She gazed at the hieroglyphs on Bell's back with a combination of awe and slight fear. It wasn't a complete surprise. Simon had explained to her what Spiral Power was and its capabilities. If it really could do just about anything, then it wouldn't be out of the question for it to affect a Falna. But knowing it could do that and seeing it in action were two completely different things. Especially when it was happening right in front of her, to her Bell! To make matters worse, it seemed to be...rewriting his Skills and Stats. What was "Spiral Energy" supposed to be? And why didn't it have a stat like the others? Where the numbers and letters were supposed to be, there was instead a line of question marks glowing a dull green.

And then there was Liaris Freese. Or at least, what was supposed to be Liaris Freese. Because Spiral Power seemed to be fighting it for a place on Bell's back. Which presented two issues, with one being more confusing than the other.

Firstly, Spiral Power had deeply rooted itself in Bell, allowing it to match or even surpass the Blessings of a Deity.

Secondly, Spiral Power was alive and actively trying to give Bell its power.

This was all before considering how rapidly Bell was growing. This kind of growth was entirely abnormal for adventurers. The type of growth that, if any other God found out about it, would lead to Bell being approached by all kinds of deities. Liaris Freese alone would attract the attention of those from Tenkai, who were constantly seeking new entertainment. If they discovered that Bell also possessed Spiral Power, they would go into a frenzy. Especially after they realized Simon was not someone they could convince to join their Familia.

While Hestia worried about their future, Bell was focused on something else.

"And when a frog shooter tried to hit him, he grabbed its tongue and started swinging it around like a mace," Bell's voice was ecstatic as he continued to describe the previous night in the Dungeon. Specifically, all the things that Simon did to help them overcome their enemies. His lips were curled into a bright smile while his eyes shined with elation at the memories, "Then we found this chamber, and two Wall Shadows were born right there in the Dungeon! They charged at us, and we each took on one. Simon...the Wall Shadow couldn't touch him! He either dodged the attack or blocked it with his cape! Oh, I forgot! Before that, we fought some killer ants! They tried to surround him, but he just crushed them all by stomping their heads in!"

It Is Alright To Use Spiral Power In The DungeonWhere stories live. Discover now