Monsterphilia Mash

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"Syr! Syr! You here?!" Simon shouted, one hand cupped over his lips to help carry his voice. He was oblivious to the various people around him staring at him as he made his way through the festival. Numerous stalls were around him, selling food and items of all kinds from the side of the road. Most people chose to avoid him, which wasn't hard considering he was taller than the average person in Orario. Though some did try to entice him into buying their ways, but he politely declined their offers.

"Syr!" he shouted again, stopping in the middle of a crowd to let it pass by him while looking around. When the girl in question didn't show, he crossed his arms and hummed, "Hmm, don't see her. Hmm, what did Ahnya say Syr was doing here again? Spending her day off here? Then, if she's not out here in the streets..."

Simon looked up, his eyes going to the large coliseum in the distance. His lips curled into a smile, "...she'd be where the main event is happening."

He started making his way toward the coliseum, stopping every now and then to wave hello the people on the street. As he did, he couldn't help but think of how things must be going back home. By now, Rossiu had probably made peace with everyone else. Gurren Lagann was mass produced and the various Spiral Races were all working towards a wonderful future. One he wouldn't ever see himself, but he trusted his friends. He knew they would guide their world to a bright future. Idly, he looked down at his ring and smiled. The metal was warm against his finger. A constant reminder of those who's spirits he carried with him.

However, his wistful reminiscing was interrupted by the sound of shouting. This was soon followed by the crowd around him suddenly running in the opposite direction of the coliseum. A few people bumped into him with multiple shouts of "Monsters! Monsters on the loose!" as they ran away from something. Simon looked ahead and prepared to run toward the danger and see if anyone needed help. But he soon found that he didn't have to go far. As the monster in question was walking right toward him.

It was a large, four-legged creature that reminded him of a deer. It even had a similar coat, save that the deer's he knew had brown fur and this one had green fur with white spots along its body. Though the main thing that separated it from the docile herbivore he knew, were the large sword like antlers sticking out of its head. The horns stood out like the branches of a tree, the sunlight reflecting off their sharp edges. The towered over most of the people in running away from it, its shadow falling over Simon.

However, Simon noted something interesting about the monster; It wasn't reacting to the people around it. It snorted and stomped at the ground, but it didn't try to attacking anyone. In fact, it seemed to be looking for something. Something that wasn't anywhere near it. Simon raised an eyebrow and prepared to say something to get its attention. But then he heard the sound of the wind coming from above and to his right. Smiling, he turned toward the roof of a building to his left. Pushing spiral power into his legs, he leaped onto the roof just as the wind passed over the strange monster.

He heard the sound of a sword slicing through flesh and stood up straight. He quickly looked to his right to see who had killed the monster. As he caught sight of a familiar head of blonde hair, his smile grew into a full toothed grin. He kicked off the roof and quickly caught up to the girl. With a wave he shouted, "Hey, Aiz! Guessing you know what's up with the monsters being out?"

"They escaped," Aiz hardly paid Simon any attention. Her focus was completely on finding the next monster and taking it down. She spotted another and prepared to dash in to defeat it in one blow. However...


...she was beat to the punch by a pair of flying red glasses that Simon had tossed. The glasses cut through the air while spinning like a shuriken. The edges of the glasses glowed a bright emerald color. Before the monster even noticed what was happening, its head was separated from its shoulders as the glasses cut through its skin like a hot knife through butter.

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