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"He seems nice. He brought me coffee this morning," Elena told her mother over the phone as she was walking into her apartment after a long day at work.

"Oh, that is sweet. Small and sweet gesture. And the dinner date is this Friday?" Lucia questioned.

"It is. Mamá, it's been such a long time since I have been on a date. I'm not even sure I want to go through with this date."

Elena walked inside and set her keys in her bowl, kicking off her shoes and setting them aside neatly on the floor.

"It will be fine. You know what to do if it feels wrong," Lucia said.

"I know, mamá. It still makes me nervous."

"Maybe you won't feel nervous once it happens."

Elena sighed for a moment. She began putting away the dishes she had cleaned from this morning, "How is everyone?"

"Everyone is good. Tu papá está trabajando cómo siempre, Eddy está fallando sus clases, Nando me abandono por sus amigos, todavía no hablo con Danny, y Tonio está trabajando cómo tú papá. (Your father is working like always, Eddy is failing his classes, Nando abandoned me for his friends, I still haven't spoken to Danny, and Tonio is working just like your father.)"

"Yo extraño a todos. Y a mi nana? Cómo está ella? (I miss everyone. And my grandma? How is she?)"

"Está bien. Todo tiempo está afuera tomando café y viendo pa todos lados. Me platiqué que tú tía Lily está divorciando tú tío Ramón. (She's good. She's always outside drinking coffee and watching everything. She told me that your aunt Lily and is divorcing your uncle Ramon.)"

Elena gasped at the news and almost dropping a plate, "No me digas! Nunca creó que eso era posible. (Don't tell me! I never thought that that was possible.)"

"Well, it is!" Lucia laughed. "They were always tóxicos. My sister finally woke up and said enough was enough. I'm telling you Elena, if your future husband does not respect you and humiliates you every day, I will disown you. I did not raise you like that to let a man walk all over you."

Elena shook her head, "Will never happen."

Elena finished her small chore and sat on her couch, "You know, I miss you so much."

"I know, mija. When do you plan to visit?" Lucia questioned.

"I don't know. I'm going to have to plan."

"Plan fast. We miss you so much here. Tu papá has not been the same since you moved out. And that was years ago."

Elena frowned, feeling her eyes well up with tears. She drew an imaginary plane on her thigh with her finger as she tried to keep the tears in.

"I..." Her voice cracked. She put herself on mute quickly to get a hold of herself.

"Elena? ... Mija? No llores, mi amor. (Don't cry, my love.)" Lucia comforted over the phone.

Elena cried more when her mother said that. It's not the same as when her mother would hold her and softly rock her side to side. But, her voice will do for now.

She unmuted herself, "I'm okay, mamá. I will plan to visit soon."

"Good. Well I have to go, Danny is supposed to call soon! His boot camp is letting them do their phone calls today."

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