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A new day.

Sheldon shuffled his feet to his office, taking his time. The air was different at the school. Something had changed. It was indescribable.

It was almost as if the incident had changed the whole university.

It was something that Sheldon was noticing.

He paused at his door, staring off into the hallway that would lead to Elena's office. He wondered about her, how she was doing during this time.

Part of him felt as if he should reach out to her, but he just felt like he shouldn't.

Was he doing the right thing?


A new day.

Sheldon sat with his friends during lunchtime, his silence being the only thing he was offering to the table. He was lost in thought as he usually was, tangled up in his thought process and would rather be thinking about something else. But, he wouldn't allow it.

He would look up occasionally at the cafeteria entrance, thinking Elena would walk in. Even if this was true, the woman wouldn't even come up because she would forget to take her lunch break.

"Are we eating Thai food today?" Howard asked, looking at Sheldon to see if he would correct his purposeful mistake.

Sheldon continued to eat, as the rest waited for his sharp comeback.

Nothing. He remained silent, eating his lunch.

"Wow. Not even an attack at my intellect. He's sick," Howard said.

"Maybe," Raj said, then faced Leonard and lowered his voice. "Do you know if he's spoken to Elena?"

Leonard carefully glanced at Sheldon before answering, "I know for a fact that he hasn't. He still hasn't said anything about her. I have no idea what happened between them."

"Perhaps he tried to kiss her and scared her off," Raj said, causing two pairs of eyes to roll.

"Yeah," Howard scoffed. "Like that would happen."


A new day.

A couple weeks had passed since Sheldon had last seen Elena.

At this point, he had come to terms with the fact that he ruined a friendship with her. The one person who had understood him, tolerate him even. But, of course, he allowed himself to get tangled in his own mind.

The last he heard of Elena, she had been working from home. There's been rumors that she might possibly have a Nobel nomination with whatever she's working on at home. He couldn't be surprised as he knew Elena would be capable of doing so, but one thing that bothered him is that the hatred online has continued. He hoped that she had deleted social media during this time as she didn't need their awful comments on her plate.

He wondered how she was doing.


A new day.

Sheldon slowly scavenged through the rows of comic books in silence, as the boys talked as they scavenged. His eyes then came across a Spider-Man comic book.

He remembered Elena's features lighting up when she saw his collection. Her reminiscing about the first comic book she had, which was a Spider-Man comic book.

He caught himself going down the Elena rabbit hole, and sighed. The boys had stopped what they were doing as they noticed his sigh. This sigh seemed like a sigh of despair, and of course they didn't know how to address it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2024 ⏰

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