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The next morning, the boys stirred awake with Howard waking up in a panic as he realized he left Bernadette alone with the kids all night.

"Oh gosh, have any of you knuckleheads seen my phone? Can somebody call it please?" Howard urged as he began tearing up the long couch.

Raj and Leonard groaned in annoyance at Howard's insistence as they gradually woke up. Leonard reached for his phone on the table, "I'll give it a call."

"Thank you, Leonard," Howard said, lifting up the couch pillow that is Sheldon's spot where his phone fell in the process. "Never mind I found it."

"Why are you touching my spot?" Sheldon questioned as he emerged from the bathroom with his arms crossed.

Howard rolled his eyes at Sheldon and immediately unlocked his phone where he discovered many, many messages from Bernadette. His hand slapped his forehead as he read her angry messages.

"Well, boys. You are looking at the first man to get a divorce in this group," Howard stated, his eyes still glued to his phone.

"I have been looking at him," Sheldon said, heading to the kitchen to fix himself breakfast. Well, perhaps himself and Elena since she is his guest.

"Really Sheldon? Not the time."

Leonard rolled his eyes at everyone in the room, it is way too early he might as well continue sleeping in his room. He rose from his seat and made his way to his room, meanwhile Sheldon's head was too busy inside the refrigerator gathering milk to make cereal.

When Sheldon closed the refrigerator door, he noticed Leonard was no longer in the living room. Before he can even question his whereabouts, a gasp was heard from the hallway and Leonard slowly retreating from the hallway with a confused expression on his face.

"Sheldon?" Leonard asked.

"Yes, Leonard?"

"Why is Elena in my bed?"

Howard and Raj's interests were now peaked with the mention of Elena, their eyes now on Leonard and Sheldon.

Sheldon continued working on his cereal, avoiding eye contact with Leonard, "She spent the night last night. That is all."

Leonard nodded, still confused as to why she is in his bed.

"And why couldn't she sleep in your bed?"

"To give her privacy in your room."

Raj wiggled his eyebrows at Howard as Howard also returned the reaction.

Leonard nodded, "Well if she's still sleeping, can I just sleep in your room?"

"Oh, absolutely not."

"What?! You didn't even give me a choice if she can take over my room!"

"How are you still surprised that you don't get a choice in any situation involving Sheldon?" Howard added.

Leonard glared at Howard, "Don't you have a wife to go back to?!"

The sound of someone clearing their throat sounded from the entrance of the hallway, causing all four pairs of eyes to look in that direction.

There stood Elena, with long messy hair and wearing Sheldon's shirt along with the skirt she was wearing the night before. She was still waking up but after she heard Leonard come into the room, she knew she needed to return his room.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but please have your room. I am your guest after all."

Raj and Howard once again exchanged wide eyed glances. She was wearing Sheldon's shirt!

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