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The day was filled with watching movies with Sheldon and Elena. Oddly enough, for this next movie, Sheldon agreed to watch Elena's choice which was Selena. Elena was eager to show Sheldon her favorite movie and was happy to have found it on Amazon Prime.

Sheldon sat in his spot as always while Elena sat at the other side of the couch. Sheldon provided popcorn for Elena and a bowl for himself. The movie began and Sheldon was hoping this movie would not be terrible.

The movie then reached a part where the mother of Selena began teaching her how to dance.

"Sheldon, do you know how to dance?" Elena questioned.

Sheldon nodded, "Yes, I'm not sure if you are aware of the process of Cotillion but I was forced against my will to be a part of it."

Elena was intrigued, "Is that so? I cannot imagine you dancing. Knowing you, you probably didn't enjoy it."

Sheldon sighed in relaxation. She's starting to know him well. He felt very comfortable being around Elena. He felt his whole body was mellow and for once there was no busy vibe to be found within him. This need to be certain either about what was going on now or what is going to happen later was absent. The present moment was enjoyable for him.

"You're correct. As for you? Do you dance?" Sheldon questioned.

"Absolutely. The difference between you and I is that I do love to dance."

"Why is that?"

The scene changed into Selena now being older, dancing on stage and singing one of her own songs.

"Look at her," Elena pointed out towards the television. "It looks so much fun. And the music too, it just causes excitement within you and your body just follows the music. If you let it."

Then, children then got on the stage to dance with Selena.

"Even the children felt it so much that they got on stage and started dancing with her."

For once in his life, Sheldon was quiet. Listening to every word.

The movie continued on with Elena laughing, explaining certain parts of the movie or giving fun facts about it, and most of all singing along with the movie. Elena was nervous at first hoping she wasn't being too much but she felt comfortable around Sheldon as well.

"Dear lord. Why did she go to the hotel in the first place? Why did she even go alone? I hate to say it, Elena, but that was not a very smart choice on her part." Sheldon questioned in a frustrated tone.

Elena groaned, "She was a sheltered child! She saw good in everyone! It's not her fault Yolanda was mentally unstable and took advantage of Selena!"

"Selena shouldn't have gone alone. Did you know that Raj, Howard and I went with Leonard to confront Penny's ex-boyfriend at his apartment? I honestly don't know what I would have done but the point is Leonard was not alone I can tell you that!"

Elena smiled at Sheldon. She adored that Sheldon was involved in this discussion and the movie. Yes it was a very sad ending and heartbreaking considering Selena was so young. But, she felt so happy that Sheldon actually watched the movie with her.

"What's next, Sheldon? You can pick our next movie."

Sheldon immediately picked up his phone because he knew that any movie choice he picked Elena will be all for it.

"How about Indiana Jones?" Sheldon asked.

"Ooh, very good choice. I haven't seen that franchise in a long time."

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