Chapter 12: Heartbeat

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Sonakshi walked into the banquet hall with her right arm around her husband's left arm

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Sonakshi walked into the banquet hall with her right arm around her husband's left arm. She smiled as the paparazzi started clicking innumerable pictures of the couple as they entered their first-anniversary celebration. Sonakshi felt the feeling of her marriage being reminisced. She forced a fake smile.

Despite the cheerful atmosphere surrounding Sonakshi's first-anniversary celebration, deep within her heart, she couldn't shake off the overwhelming sadness that had settled in over time. 

As Sonakshi and her husband made their way to the front, the cacophony of cameras continued, capturing what appeared to be a picture-perfect moment. But beneath the glitz and glamour, Sonakshi's soul was burdened by the weight of unfulfilled dreams and a marriage devoid of love. Sitting at the tables closer to the dais, her family mirrored her artificial smiles, concealing their own concerns and disappointment. 

As the evening unfolded, Sonakshi found herself lost in a sea of congratulatory wishes and well-meaning conversations, all tinged with an emptiness she could no longer ignore. The anniversary celebration served as a stark reminder of the void that had grown between her and her husband, the once-promising connection now reduced to a mere formality.

In the midst of the festivity, Sonakshi's gaze wandered to a nearby window, where a gentle rain began to fall. The droplets cascaded down the glass, mirroring the tears she could no longer hold back. She yearned for a life that was true to her heart, one that echoed with love, understanding, and genuine companionship. But her current reality trapped her in a cage of obligations and societal expectations, suffocating her dreams and leaving her feeling utterly alone.

"Would you like some wine?" a voice broke her thoughts as she was looking out of the window.

She turned to her side to see Anurag Basu, her husband's competitor while fighting for the title of the most grossing businessman of the year.

"I appreciate the offer, Mr Basu, but I think it's best if I decline," Sonakshi replied, her voice tinged with a hint of melancholy. She turned away from the window, her eyes scanning the room in search of her husband, hoping to find solace or perhaps a glimmer of understanding in his gaze.

However, her husband remained conspicuously absent, lost in the sea of well-wishers and admirers who surrounded him. The emptiness in Sonakshi's heart deepened as she realized that even on this special day, she was unable to capture his undivided attention or a genuine moment of connection.

Anurag observed the sadness in Sonakshi's eyes and, driven by a mixture of sympathy and curiosity, pressed further. "Are you alright, Sonakshi? You seem distant. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here."

His words struck a chord within her, reminding Sonakshi of the emotional isolation she had endured for far too long. The genuine concern in Anurag's voice created a flicker of hope within her, offering the possibility of finding solace and understanding in an unexpected source.

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