Tamayo × M! Demon! Reader [1/2]

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A/n: This is literally a short story instead of an oneshot. This story is also my first work and just a random idea I had. The next chapter is the continuation.
- Happy reading.
(warning: this chapter contains 🍋)

 (warning: this chapter contains 🍋)

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💜My love💜

Just another day in the lab where your lovely Tamayo is drinking tea and doing her work. Sometimes you would summon clones (ur demon blood art) to play poker or just talking to them (actually to yourself) to distract yourself. After sunset, Tamayo, Yushiro and you are taking a stroll in the city although Yushiro glares daggers at you for tagging along since you don't want to leave him with your wife, Tamayo, alone.
Than you spot a small shop selling liquor and rare wines. Since you're very fond of them you inform them to continue the walk without you since it will take some time deciding which liquor you want to buy.

As you finished buying liquor for yourself, you headed home eagerly to see Tamayo. Before you reach the dead end of the road where your mansion is hidden you sense some intruders. You hurried to the yard, spotting the collapsed house, your heart sunk imagining the worst case scenario that could happen to Tamayo.
Did the demons find us?! Did they take her!?
You notice four figures behind some dust and one of them is throwing some balls to the mansion. Your instincts says you must stop it and your body obeyed. As you got nearer, the temari balls was about to hit Tamayo and Yushiro. Automatically, you jumped in front of them using your body as a shield. Tamayo gasped after seeing your sudden arrival and the blood dripping from your body.

"Sorry I'm late, and why is a demon slayer here?"

"He and the girl with the bamboo muzzle is on our side please don't hurt them."

"As your wish"


"Who dares to enter my territory without my permission?!" you yelled. (you love big entrances)

"Oho~ the fugitive's man arrived! Let's bring his head to master along the others as well!" Susamaru exclaimed.

"No, we only nead to bring the head of the boy and the fugutive." the demon with eyes on his hands added.

"As long as I am here you will return with nothing!" You closed your eyes for a sec ...demon blood art... and snapped them back open, "hands of despair!"

Under your opponents, several bloody claws rises underneath them grabbing their legs and arms preventing them to moving.

"Oi! Demon slayer finish them!"

"Yes" the young slayer answered and charged forward.

"Don't even think about it!" Yahaba shouted.

Suddenly the arrows broke through the arms of the claws still clutching on their limbs.
You smirked, "parasite!" the claws on their limbs shapes into fish which digs into their skins causing them to freeze because of the uncomfortable sight. Their flesh and organs are now being eaten from the inside. They are now painfully paralysed and they begin to tear up blood instead of tears.
Tamayo steps in front of you activating her demon blood art.

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