Kanae × M! Demon Reader

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💢"You're insane

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💢"You're insane."💢

"I'll take their place!" the flower hashira declared making you to think for a while.

"That will also do," you replied and snapped your fingers.

The trees and vines that surrounded the villagers moved aside letting them free. They told the hashira to be carefully before she reassured them to go back to their village. The whole forest started to move; the trees moved forming a line creating a path for the villagers. As their figures weren't seen anymore, the trees moved again into various directions and stayed at their place they were before.

You controlled the whole territory; you were able to move trees making people to get lost and be trapped, or worse, you let them walk in circles while creating different labyrinths until they went insane.

You had a strange hobby; instead of having the desire to consume human flesh like every other demon, you liked to play with the minds of the victims. After the prisoners turned insane because you never let them leave the forest, you would set them free again because of fun.
Yeah, you didn't have any desire to eat people, you were just bored. If you could die from boredom, it would have happened long time ago.

The female hashira charged at you, so you simply moved a tree in front of her stopping her attack.

The battle went on for a while, until she tripped and as it seemed like that her forehead was going to hit a tree, you moved it aside saving her from the impact. She blinked in confusion while sitting on the ground. Why the heck would you do that? She asked you of course.

"If you die, there's nothing to play," you simply said, "I already freed all villagers so there's nobody in this forest except from you and me."

Your reasoning was funny she thought, "I don't die this simply, I might get a bump on my forehead but I won't die."

You blinked, "Oh yeah? All I know is that you humans are very weak and fragile. Alright, enough for today, I gotta go."

The slayer also noticed the sunrise and there was no way she lat you escape.
You commanded the trees to from a line shielding you from the sunlight whole you ran away. You underestimated a hashira's speed so she caught up with you in no time.

"What the?!" now you finally panicked acknowledging her incredible speed that only a hashira has.

With a kick on your back, you stumbled and fell face first on the ground with her standing on your back. The sunlight already reached you but thank to the trees that covered you from the sunlight you were safe for now.

You sighed because you couldn't escape anymore so you just spread out your arms, stayed on the ground and accepted your fate.

"Hey, why aren't you slicing my head off?" you finally asked after nothing happened, "Are you dumb ot what-"

A kick on the back of your head interrupted you.

"Well, I thought I could be nicer to you since you saved me from having a bump on my head~" she said friendly.

"Damn, you are insane," you commented and you received another kick on your head, "Hey! Don't you just said you'll be nicer to me?! Why still kicking me?!"

"Because you called me insane." she replied.

"Well yeah duh," you you shrugged while she was still standing on your back, "because you're not killing me! That's your fucking job!"

"Do you really want to die now or what?" Kanae jumped off you because you couldn't run away due to the sun. Your demon blood art can't control the trees during daytime.

You sat up facing her, "Well, I admit my defeat so I also accept my fate. I'll get bored soon anyways."

"You seem different," she commented while tilting her head.

"Thanks, I guess?" you also tilted your head, "are you going to kill me now or what?"

"My name is Kocho Kanae, what's yours?" she suddenly started.

"Y/n." you were dumbfounded, why was she telling you her name?!

"Let's be friends," she proposed.

You only stared at her, "You're insane."

"Stop calling me insane, that's not nice and I'm serious." she sulked.

"Why you want to befriend a demon? You must be insane." you repeated, "Insane."

She unsheathed her sword, "say that again."

"Is this a threat?!" an irk mark appeared on your head, "I'm telling you, I'm not scared! And why are lecturing me?! You. Are. Insane!"

Ponk! She kicked you down again with her feet on your chest while she pointed her blade at you.

You started to sweat, "I take it back!"

She removed her sword and put more pressure into her feet that was on your chest and she leaned down, "To be honest I'm very happy, I never had such a long conversation with a demon before!"

"You're crazy," after those words left your mouth she moved her foot towards your throat to stop you from talking.

"You can think this way but you could just keep your mouth shut!" she said annoyed and sighed, "I'm telling you, my dream is to befriend a demon and I think we two can get along!"

You stared at her while registering her words and since you were quiet she removed her foot from you making you to sit up again.

"If we'll be friends, I'll play with you every day how's that sound?" she added.

"Yeah?" this caught your interest.

"Only if you stop eating human flesh." she said seriously, "and if you accept, I'm going to teach you that humans aren't that fragile than you think."

"Damn, you sure are insane."


961 words

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