Shinobu × M! Demon Reader

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Be my friend👋

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Be my friend👋

The insect hashira, Kocho Shinobu, was on her way to her assigned destination. According to her crow, many people reported that they saw a non human like creature in the forest and she immediately knew, it was a demon.

Strangely, her crow didn't say anything about deaths or disappearances, but it didn't matter, her was to kill that demon.

At her destination, there was a small village close by so she asked the villagers about some information about 'the creature' they saw.

"Some nights ago, I returned home late after work and I swear I saw a black figure in the woods! It had horns! Thank God it didn't saw me..." a man informed but his wife slapped the back of his head.
"Don't listen to him! He was drunk that night!" the wife yelled.

After asking more people about the demon, they all said that they only heard whimpers and saw a black figure walking around in the woods. It did nothing but its existence scared everyone.

"A girl lives in the forest," she heard a woman say, "she's cursed. There's no way she's alright with that creature around her area."
This perked up Shinobu's interest and wanted to know more about the girl.

"But she's also a victim..." an old man joined while shaking his head, "her family died in one night with only she surviving. She must have a hard time."

"Still but don't you think it's strange?" the woman continued, "why is she the only survivor? She's definitely cursed!"

"Sh!" another woman interrupted them, "quiet! There she comes!"

They immediately shut their mouths shut as a very young girl walked pass them. Shinobu watched the girl buying some dark fabric and some vegetables, and as she left the stores, people will start to mutter things about her. And some of the villagers feared her because of the mystery in her home. They thought, that the girl will also bring unfortune to the village, so they really wanted to get rid of her.

"She has a monster in her home!" A man whispered so the girl won't hear him, "Some of my friends and I followed her and she was talking with a giant creature with horns! She's definitely cursed!"

"We need to get rid of her asap..."

Shinobu heard everything, so she approached the girl, "hey there," she spoke softly, "mind if-"

The girl didn't let her finish, instead her eyes widen in fear and immediately ran away from the female slayer.
Something is definitely with her, she thought and decided to follow her.

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