Chapter 2 | Crumbling

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It was the age of burning fields, the time after the war of the century. The Calamity was over at the strike of the hero, yet all was not well.

A year had passed since it had happened and Hyrule was still crying out in agony. Everyone in Hyrule knew it was terrible and yet they still denied it. Words of comfort were still exchanged, the relief of the Calamity's demise. Though the Calamity was gone its essence still lingered like the dark clouds that overshadowed Hyrule.

It was cold, colder than the Ritos had ever known. The skies were darker than the night that blinded Hyrule each day. When the sun rose, the horizon was spilled with blood instead of its heavenly glow. The Hebra Mountains swirled with its forever ghostly glow, the emerald lights above it all but diminished into the deathly ebony of the skies. Though, the lights from Rito Village lit up the world, a string of lights in the dark.

Despite all the houses being lit there was one that remained dark. Almost opaque against the night that had fallen and the black clouds that hung over it. It was the highest house, proud navy-blue banners adored with symbol of the Rito rippled in the harsh wind. Although this house was different from the others, it displayed honor and etched in the wood above the door frame was "Master Revali".

Within, the small but prestigious home of the decorated Champion. A Rito lay on his swaying hammock staring hard at the wooded ceiling above. The candle on his dresser had been blown out, the warmth of its light was replaced by the everlasting cold of the Hebra Mountains.

The Rito's eyes tore away from the ceiling and his eyes swept across his dark home. He squinted trying to peer through the veil of darkness. It was like trying to see in a dark cave. He couldn't even see the stitched teal zigzag pattern on his hammock. Though he had willing extinguished the candle, the darkness still unnerved him. At this moment, Revali was suppressing the urge to strike the flint.

It nibbled at him as the minutes passed. The figures of his furniture began to form into looming monsters. The curtains fluttered in the cold breeze. He could swear he could see the silhouette of someone behind it. Then, his eyes landed at the foot of his hammock.

It was there, staring at him. A burning red eye made his heartbeat quicken. The wood on his bedframe creaked as its claws dug into it. Veiled in darkness, the malevolent eye was the only lit thing in the room. Revali could sense its murderous intent.

"Not this time." Revali murmured, snatching his bow from beside him. He positioned it to hit the beast straight in the eye. He felt the hammock tip and the next thing he knew he was on the wooded floor.

Revali then blinked. What was this thing doing in his house anyway? Wasn't it dead? If it was then what was it doing hunting him, again? He rubbed his head. The bright blue eye had disappeared. Revali struck a piece of flint and light blossomed forth upon the shadows of his home.

Revali sighed, realizing that instead of seeing a looming monster in his home it had been just a reflection of his shield. A wave of shame washed over him. How could he, the Champion of the Rito's imagine monsters like a child afraid of the dark? Yes, it had been real and alive at one point in his life. But now it should be just a memory, not a nightmare. It wasn't fair to be haunted by memories.

The day he had faced the real monster, he felt as though the universe was wishing his death. It was never a fair fight from the beginning. Yes, he fought, and he fought for a long time though he knew he would ultimately die.

Then, of course the 'hero' of the legend came along, beat that thing up as if it were a punching bag and strutted away. Every time Revali thought of that embarrassing and terrifying battle it enraged him.

If Link hadn't been picked by the Goddess Hylia, hadn't been given the Master Sword, then maybe Revali would have been selected. Why did the Chosen Hero have to be a blonde-haired, blue-eyed boy who was handsome and of course, Hylian.

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