Chapter 3 | Letters

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Two soldiers walked under the dark skies that fell with the celestial flakes. The snow painted the newly paved road with a layer of crystal snow. Both shivering soldiers wore bright red scarves, their cheeks florid in the cold.

The bleak evening sun was a halo of white peeking through the steely black clouds. Their uniforms of royal blue with its gleaming golden lining was a bright spot of color in this deary world. This was Hyrule now, the world that was still burning long after the flame of war had gone out.

One of the soldiers leaned towards the other, a yellowed letter held in his gloved hand and pulled down his cherry scarf, "And this one, who does this belong to, Nero?"

The soldier's eyes were drooped, the sparkling light in his blue eyes had gone out. Diminished by what seemed the forever trail trudging through the ever-falling snow.

And of course...the letters themselves and the memories of who poured their hearts into these letters and the fact that these letters are only thing that were left of those lost souls.

The second soldier, Nero took the yellowed letter, reading the name aloud to his illiterate friend and his chestnut eyes went wide, "To: Cindy Wright. It's to your friend, Ben." Nero stated gravely, looking up at the wooden cabin before them.

It looked as unnoticeable as ever, the snow covering the overgrown dead weeds, the fence broken down, and parts of the house was burdened with burnt wood as though a fire had burned here long ago. The front door of the home was swung open with not a drop of sunlight streaming through the darkness of the once lively home.

The first soldier, Ben gulped, looking over the house in dismay, "Then where is Cindy? Is she can't be." The soldier mumbled to himself, his shoulders slumped, and his eyes swept over the house in desperate hope. "She...she can't"

"Let's move on, Ben." Nero tugged on his friend's sleeve who stayed rooted to the spot simply staring at the entrance. Perhaps hoping that she would emerge but alas the young woman did not greet them with happy tidings. "I know that she was your friend. I'm sorry, Ben. Please, come there is nothing more to do."

Nero had grown numb to the idea of grief and sorrow now. He had cried before at all the other houses but not now. They had passed so many homes like these, broken, burned and empty of life.

So, many letters that they had delivered will go unread. Friends, lovers, family, and children all of which were gone. Too much death surrounded where they stood.

Nero's feet felt like lead, he was frozen to the spot. Struggling to go on but pure will pushed him forward. The war had taken so many lives, too many lives and despite the threat being struck down.

He still wondered if the war was truly over. The grief, the sorrow was still here lingering in the midst of Hyrule. What was worse? Being in the fiery battle or grieving in the shadows?

"Is everything all right there?" a voice called out across the horizon of sorrow with a frightening amount of cheer. Nero turned on his heel to meet the owner of the voice only to find a hulking figure only ten feet away.

It was a Goron with a sympathetic look on his face. His brow was lowered in concern. The Goron wore a pair of earmuffs along with a fluffy red hat and a green coat.

Nero felt a smile twitch at the corner of his mouth despite the grim sight before him. It surprised him to see a Goron away from Death Mountain during this time of year, especially wearing extra, extra-large Hylian winter clothing! Though, Nero's pondering ceased when the Goron began walking directly towards them.

The Goron walked pass Nero to where Ben stood covering his face, leaning over, his shoulders shaking. Nero turned to take a step to them, unsure what to do. He expected for the Goron to say something but no. All the Goron did was stand beside his grieving friend, patting him on the back.

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