prolonged 2

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It has been A Year since Mitsuha came to earth, and she learned that this was the World the first Emperor came from.

She also learned all the knowledge of this world including the Technology and weaponary.

At first she didn't know what to do, thankfully she had language comprehension, she was able to understand all the different languages.

She first tried to look for information by asking and going to the library, where she learned this country she is currently in, is called Japan.

She was able to get money by exchanging Gold she had, of course it was suspicious, so after exchanging gold for more than 100million yen she immediately tried to buy this so called gadgets.

Gold was very valuable here, and she had pure gold.

She bought a Phone and a Laptop, she was able to learn how easy people can get information here, so she didn't stay at a permanent place, after staying for one week, she tried to look for a palce to stay at and hide.

Then had this idea of going back to her world then here, she bought all the books and information she can get, returned to her world, she was staying in a cave.

She camped their, after more than 2 Months learning everything, she then decided to store every book she had from Politics, Military, Technology and Cropping or planting food.

Then she thought about the mercenaries.


"Hah, this is quite tiresome, but i haven't been able to look for a cure, and it's been 2 months, thankfully i found this books, it has all information about pandemics"

Mitsuha said as she remembered all the books she had stored in her spatial storage.

"But without proper examination, i couldn't know what the spreading illness is, brother said that it dtarted to spread again"

She occasionally visited her brother.

"But i somehow found small solutions,  but the problem is the fact that the illness had many origins"

That's right, the cause of the spreading pandemic came from many places, one of this is the dirty warter from the canals and such, she found about this in one of the books she read.

Her brother immediately made action which lowered the victims, and found a cure for it.

But the other causes aren't fixed yet.

"Sigh, then there is another problem.
A nation from another continent is going to start a war with us"

That's right a foreign nation has sent a naval vessel to attack.

Thankfully, the Yamano Empire, had Magic, something other countries didn't have.

And her brother made haste to kill the invaders.

"Hmm, should i go visit this mercenaries?, They are called PMA a private Military army, they accept many jobs as such"

Mitsuha teleported to the location which could be shown in a map, she learned that her ability can teleport her anywhere as long as she has a clear view or image of the location.

Arriving at the place mitsuha immediately greeted the wolfgang captain.

Arriving at the place mitsuha immediately greeted the wolfgang captain

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