Chapter 2

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I woke up the next morning to thanks for the memories by fall out boy playing on my alarm clock.

Ugh, school. But hey it can't be that bad.

I walked into the bathroom and took a quick shower, brushed my teeth and put in my contacts. I walked back in my room and found some underwear and then went through my clothes to find an outfit.

After about 10 minutes I finally choose a black tank top and my favorite blue jean shorts and tide a red flannel around my waist. I put my naturally curly light brown hair up in a ponytail and tied a bandana around the hair tie.

My dad yelled up the stairs and told me to hurry up and that my new car was in the driveway.

I pulled on my cowboy boots, grabbed my bookbag and my phone and went down stairs. (I just don't have time for makeup.) I got the keys to my car from my dad and gave him a hug. "Bye dad I love you"

"I love you too, be home before 9 please." he told me. "I will" I said as I walked out the door.

When I walked to the driveway I couldn't believe what was there.
My dad got me a truck!!! A 2013 Chevy Silverado!!! Damn this promotion is great!!!!

I got in my truck and cranked up my new CD I burned last night. She's country by Jason Alden started to play and I jammed all the way to school. I found my parking spot I got yesterday and pulled in. I grabbed my stuff and hopped out of my truck.

I didn't expect all the look that I got though. As I was walking into school I bumped into Ashton.

"Oh, hey Alisha!" he smiled at me. "Hey Ashton" I smiled back. " is that your truck outside?" "Yeah you like it?" I asked hoping for a yes. "Yeah its just different from most girls." He said as we walked to the office to get my class list.
"Well I'm not most girls" I said smiling and spinning around on my heels facing him. I started to walk backwards. "Your gonna fall and I'm gonna laugh at you" Ashton said giggling at me. "If I fall I'm gonna laugh harder than you."

We got my schedule and found where my locker was.

"So where is your first class?" Ashton asked me leaning against the lockers. "Mrs. Adams for AP creative writing " I said closing my locker. "Well we have a smarty don't we." He laughs at me. "You're just jealous cause I'm a genius" I laughed back. "Well your in a class with a lot of seniors including me so let's go"he said and we headed off to first period.

We walked into class and I sat next to Ashton. Class felt like it took forever. Our first home work assignment was to write a poem or song about ourselves. This should be fun. After class Ashton and I walked back to our locker, which where only 2 lockers apart. "So what's next for you?" He asked grabbing a book out of his locker. "Ummm, Mr. Hamrick for world cultural studies" I said looking at my schedule. "I'm heading that way I'll walk you"

"Well aren't you a gentleman" I said drawing out my accent even more.

As we walked down the hall I could here people talking about me and could feel them starring at me. Ashton noticed too. "Don't worry the guys just think you're hot and the girls are jealous." He told me giving me a quick hug as he dropped me off at my class. "Come find me at lunch ok I need your help with something" he said running to his class. "Ok!!!"I yelled at him.

I walked into my class and sat down next to a girl in an AC/DC shirt. She had dark skin and short dark brown hair and she had a nose ring. (AN- Thats actually my real best friend :-) ok sorry back to the story)

"Nice shirt" I said smiling at her. "Thanks, I like your accent" she said back "I'm Alisha by the way"

"I'm Hannah" she smiled. Hannah and I talked to eachotber until Mr. Hamrick walked in.

"Good morning class, today we will be comparing America to our home country of Australia. Now I understand we have a new student who is actually American. Alisha would you come up here?"

I walked up to the front of the classes. "Why don't you say hello to the class and introduce yourself" Mr. Hamrick told me.

"Hey y'all I'm Alisha Smith" I smiled to the class. "Well howdy" said a boy with bright red hair. The whole class laughed except for Hannah. "Well anyway if anyone wants to know what America is like I can tell you I've lived in about 15 states and have visited 24 others."

"Yeah I've got a question" said a boy with blonde hair. "Shoot" I said. "Does everyone in the US dress like that?" The class started to laugh again. I could feel my blood boiling. "Does everyone in Australia cook shrimp on the bar-b?" I snapped. "No" a boy with dark brown skin and black hair said. "Well does anyone have a real question?" I asked. "Yeah is the drinking age really 21 in America" said a girl. "Yeah it is, but we can by tobacco products at 18, oh and vote but no one does when they are 18"

I keep answering questions like that until the end of class. I walked out of class and went to my locker. I felt someone tap me on the sholder. I turned around and saw Hannah. "Oh hey!" I said. Thank god someone who hasn't laughed at me today. "Hey I'm sorry about class those guys can be jerks."

"Its fine they're just jealous" I said laughing. She laughed with me. "Hey I could show you around later if you want?" She asked me. "Sure here put your number in my phone and I'll text you when I can go out" I handed her my phone and she put here number in. "I'll see you later then" she said then walked toward the cafeteria.

I better go find Ashton. I walked around and finally saw him. I Walked up behind him and jumped up and yelled "BOO!"

"AHH, you scared me" he said grabbing his chest acting over dramatic. "That was the point" I laughed. "Well come on I want you to meet someone" While we walked across the cafeteria I told Ash about the jerks in cultural studies.

We walked outside to a table with three boys sitting there. "These are my band mates the blonde is Luke, the one with red hair is Michael, and the Asian kid is Calum."

"I'm not Asian" calum yelled.

"No need for introductions we've meet" I scowl.

A/N: ik this really sucks but just hang in there it gets better

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