Chapter 8

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I tried my best to hold in my feelings as I was explaining to Ashton what had happened in four period but even over the phone he could tell how I felt about his best friend.

"I know you don't like the idea but it's gonna be okay" he told me reassuringly. "But he hates me i say whiningly as I flop onto my bed. I let my back hit the mattress and then lay my phone down on the bed and put it on speaker. The only sound I wanted to here right now was Ashton's voice.

"I promise he really isn't that bad once you get to know him, sure he can be moody at times but he really is a good guy." I know that he just really wants me to be happy so I'll just let it go. "Okay," I sigh "Now tell me what you're doing this weekend because I'll be bored without you."

"Actually the guys and I were gonna go to the beach saturday, if you wanna go." And before I even go the words out of my mouth "and yes Hannah can come too." I love that he can already read me without even trying. "Okay sounds like a plan."

We talk for another hour about all different things before I have to go down stairs and help unpack more boxes. My mom and brother have finally got here and it's so noisy with all of the moving. Finally after about three hours of deciding which way the couch should go, eating pizza, and listening to my brother complain about how my room is bigger we are finished and I am in bed.

I'm about to drift off to sleep when I feel my phone vibrate on my nightstand. I pick it up and I have a text from an unknown number.

Look out your window

Like an idiot I do what the text tells me. I don't see anything. My phone vibrates again.

Near the rose bush

I open my window and look where the text said.

Now remember I said I looked out the window like an idiot. Well that's because the one and only bane of my existence was standing there. Well at least I have his number now. I entered his name in my contacts before calling him. And yes his name is 👿Luke👿 in my phone.

He picked up after the first ring. "What are you doing at my house?!" I said trying to be as quiet as I can. "Homework," he said "come outside." "Um, how about no I don't sneak out." " Fine then just open your window" "Why sho..." He cuts me off. "Just do it."

Reluctantly I do as he asks. I watch as he climbs up the tree next to my window and then makes his way into my room. He turns around and I will have to say he looks amazing. He has on a black leather jacket with a plain white t-shirt and his signature black skinny jeans.

"When Mrs. Winston said get close I didn't know she meant this close" he said with a smirk. That's when I realized all I was wearing was a big t-shirt over my underwear. "Oh shut up." I said giving him a glare. I walked over to one of my drawers and pulled out a pair of shorts.

"Now what do you want?" I asked after pulling up my shorts. "I told you we have homework to do." he says while making himself at home in my bed. "At 1 A.M. we have homework?" I said looking at him with a stair that could kill but unfortunately Luke Hemmings must be an immortal because he is still here and breathing just fine.

"The only real way to know someone is by their late night thoughts, right?" He says smirking up at me. "Well looks like you are a little late since it's now really early morning so get out." He gets up from my bed and walks over to me at the window. "Whatever you say, princess." falls from his lips into my ears before running all over my body. He then leaves the way he came. I watch his every move before shutting my window.

What just happened?

I didn't ever fall asleep after that. Princess what does that mean.

The next day I just wore some old gym clothes and put my hair in a bun. After no sleep last night I had no energy to look cute at all. Once I got in the parking lot I slept for about ten minutes and then Knock Knock Knock!!! on my window, it's Ashton and Michael. I get my stuff and get out of my truck and just start walking. "What's wrong?" Michael asks me. "I got no sleep." I said bluntly. Ashton then all of a sudden scoops me up and puts me over his shoulder. "You need rest you can't be walking" he says while running up the sidewalk. I'm giggling and yelling like a little girl and we get weird looks but I really don't care this is so much better than not having anyone like I used to.

For the rest of the day I struggled to keep my eyes open. One more reason to hate Luke has been added on my list. Even though the list is short now I feel like it's gonna keep getting longer as this year goes.

Currently the list of why I hate Luke reads:
Doesn't give anything a chance
Insulted my music
Cost me sleep
Is to sexy for his own good

Scratch number 6. But like I said the list was growing and growing.

We got to lunch and I just sat there not talking just wanting a nap. Ashton kept checking to make sure I was okay which was super sweet.

“I'll be right back babe, I have to use the bathroom.” Ashton said.

As soon as Ashton is out of sight I feel someone come up behind me. “What's wrong princess someone keep you up to late last night?”

Here we go.

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