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As we walked into the grand hall Billie stopped.

"Oh, am I allowed to be out there?" She asks.

"Yes, you are to be my wife so anywhere that I go you are allowed to go. But maybe stand off to the side just a bit."

As we walked up to my parents we overheard the duke talking.

"And this is outrageous, I demand to see the princess!"

I loudly clear my throat and he whips his head around, quickly changing his composure and bowing to me.

"Your Highness."

"Duke. Why have you summoned me?" I ask.

"Well your highness, our wedding date has unfortunately passed and seeing as how I have not heard word from you or the king or queen I took matters into my own hands."

"There should have been a letter sent directly to you informing you that our wedding is off."

"Off? Why..what ever for?"

"Because Duke, our kingdoms have been at peace for decades." I say, slightly rolling my eyes in annoyance.

"But they were at war for centuries."

"Yes. Were. Meaning in the past. They are no longer at war and haven't been at war for decades. There is no need for us to get married and frankly I did not want to marry you in the first place."

"And why ever not?"

"Because I barely know you. I don't love you and I will not have a loveless marriage."

He stuttered over his words before catching sight of Billie. She was still dressed in her regular commoner clothes and it wasn't usual for a commoner to be in the castle so he had questions.

"Who is she? Why is she here eavesdropping?"

I move to block his view from her.

"She is none of your business. We're done here duke, there will be no wedding between us. Not now, nor in the future, not ever."

"Well you'll have to marry someone. You can't be queen without a prince or a duke."

"Excuse me duke you are out of line." My mother speaks up but I put my hand up for her not to go any further.

"I'll handle this mother. Number one: I am marrying someone, someone I love, the date is set and number two: I am the heir--the only heir--to the throne so regardless if I have a prince, duke or not I will be queen."

"So who do you intend to marry?"

"Who I am marrying is not, and never will be your business. Now, leave. We are done."

He looks between me and Billie and I can see the realization seep in.

"Wait a second. Are you and this commoner girl...no."

"I think it's time for you to leave Duke. Now."

"Wh-wha-why two women cannot be married together! It is outrageous and I forbid it!" He yells

"You sir are in no right to forbid anything!" I yell back

"This is treason! You are trying to infiltrate the palace!" He points at Billie and that's when I really get upset.

I don't care what he says about me but he will not sit here and belittle my fiancé.

"How dare you! I should have your head for that!"

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