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"Billie dear slow down, you'll hurt yourself." My mother says as I scramble around the house.

"I can't, I'm late, we're late. I was supposed to meet Zalia an hour ago for my final dress fitting."

"Honey, you still have a week until the wedding."

"I know and there's still so much to be done. We still have to go over the guest list, plan the music, I still have to write, practice and recite my vows."

My mother places a hand on my shoulder stopping me in my tracks to get me to relax a little bit.

"Billie. Breathe dear. Everything is going to be alright. You have plenty of time, why your father and I got married in just a few days, you've had two months. It'll all go according to plan. Now, gather your things calmly and we shall be on our way."

I took a deep breath and did as she said and we quickly left for the castle.

Upon arriving me and my mother were escorted to the place where i got my first measurements all those weeks ago.

And let me say, having Zalia mad at me is a lot less enticing than it was having her mad at the duke.

"Billie! You are incredibly late! What happened!"

"I know, I know. I'm so sorry, I-I overslept."

"This is your final fitting, if you were a second later than you would not even have a dress for the wedding, our wedding."

"Okay, listen I am so sorry that I am late but I will make it up to you."


"Well for one, I brought the flowers you wanted." I reached into my bag and got the many bushels of flowers Zalia had requested.

"Did you get the--?"

"Hydrangeas, Dahlias, Marigolds and your favorites." I say, setting all of them all on the table and holding out her favorites.


"Forgive me now?"

She sighs with a small smile, taking them from my hands.

"You're lucky I love you. Now go, they're waiting for you. I'll be waiting outside as it's bad luck to see the bride in her wedding dress before the wedding, so come and fetch me when you're done alright?"

We shared a short kiss before she left the room and I went through the curtain where her seamstresses got me into my wedding dress. Which took at least an hour to get into the damned thing was tighter than a snake, I could barely breathe.

It was beautiful though, it looked absolutely wonderful. It was huge, and it was this beautiful pale pink color, and the back of it was longer than the room I was in.

There was only one issue.

"Martha, do you think you could cut my hair for me?" I asked lowly so my mother wouldn't hear.

"Cut it? Whatever for?"

"So it fits better with the dress. I have just the idea to style it as well."

"Well if that's what you'd want of course I will. Take a seat."

I smiled and sat down in the chair as Martha got to work snipping away. I wanted it to be just under my chin and while I didn't have the materials to style it, I would later so everyone would just have to wait to see it.

I thanked her before her and Mary-Anne put the final touches on my dress and my jewelry. I don't think I've ever felt so glamorous before in my life.

I walked back through the curtain to my mother who was sitting on a couch. When she saw me she instantly started crying, her hand on her heart.

"Oh darling. You look absolutely gorgeous. Oh your hair, you cut it."

"Yes. Do you hate it?"

"No, no. It looks beautiful honey. Oh, my little girl is to be married." She says, feeling the fabric of the dress in admiration.

"Thank you mother. Do you think Zalia will like it?" I ask nervously.

"Oh dear, she's going to adore it, and the dress and just everything. I promise. So, how does it feel?"

"Tight." I say with a cautious laugh. "I feel like my breasts could just about reach my ears, it's insane. I don't understand how I'm to breathe in this."

"I'm going to guess very slowly and very carefully."

Zalia knocked at the door to see how we were getting on

"How's everything going?"

"Oh, Zalia dear it's wonderful, I can't wait for you to see it. I also have a surprise for you when I come out so don't be too surprised."

I heard her giggle and inform me that she would be waiting.

"Alright, let's take it off now. I think my spine is bruised." I said with a chuckle and we spent the next half an hour taking it off. I am so glad I only have to wear this thing once.

I ran my fingers through my hair a bit to straighten it up a bit before I told Zalia to close her eyes and slowly walked out of the room.

"Alright love. Open them."

She gasped in delight with her hands over her mouth when she saw my hair.

"Oh my gosh, Billie it's beautiful. Did you do this in there? Is that why you were taking so long?"

"Well partially, that and because that dress is a hassle to get into. How on earth do you breathe in those corsets?"

"Well I've had nearly ten years of practice my love, it's second nature to me."

"Let me guess, I'll get used to it?" I ask, recalling her catchphrase that she's been saying practically since we met.

"Only if you wish to. My god, I cannot believe you cut your hair."

"You don't hate it do you?"

"No, dear. I love it. I think it suits you." Her hands cup my face as she leans down to place a kiss on my lips.

My mother being well...a mother, taps me on my shoulder interrupting me and Zalias moment.

"I hate to interrupt this tender moment but your father and brother are back home setting everything up in the forest, would you two like to see where you're to be married?"

I look to Zalia in question and she reluctantly agrees to walk back with us, only if I promised to carry her if she got too tired which I would happily do and actually had to do once we reached the village seeing as how she could barely walk on the grass in her heels.

I suggested we get her some new shoes but she insisted she only wears the finest shoes, and most expensive in my opinion, made by the best cobblers in the kingdom. I then suggested that she have whoever that was make her some flats and even some regular walking shoes and thankfully she agreed. We walked to the outskirts of the village where I set her back down onto her feet.

Thank the lords my family was able to find a place in the forest big enough for some chairs, benches and a little isle to walk down for me and Zalia. The trees were decorated with vines, flowers and even vines with flowers. They were able to make a little arch decorated with Zalia and I's favorite flowers and bouquets of various plants.

"So? What do you two think?" My mother asks.

"Well I love it, it's beautiful. Zalia?"

"Oh, it's...it's practically magical. I love it."

She smiles and turns to me, cupping my face softly. "I can't wait to marry you."

"Me either."


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