My fingers dig into the tight muscles of my neck and shoulders. True to form, Da did not give me a break while we were on vacation. We hiked every morning together. Aaron and Alfred were always his partners on past trips, but I've come to realize Da doesn't like Alfred's girlfriend at all. Excluding the boys is fine, but Da still drags me along. I don't mind. We walk with the radio playing the news and he doesn't complain about it and I don't complain when he shows me the different woods made out of trees.

When I offered to join in the conversation, talking about my research on woods for wand-making, Da shut up. So, I stopped about the witch things. I'm beginning to regret the decision, because then maybe I wouldn't be finishing my shift at the store tonight, the first day of August, in more pain than when I started the vacation.

I step out onto the marina. The wind rips through my clothes and I grab my arms tightly. Usually, I have to make the trip home along, but Mum is coming to get me tonight. Allegedly, I'm antisocial. According to Da anyway. I don't see why he's complaining; I'd rather be alone than bitch about all my friends like he does. Still, I've been roped into the Mum-daughter date with one of her work friends and her daughter. It's going to be miserable.

While I walk down the marina toward the car park, I clamp my mouth shut. Otherwise, my teeth will chatter. The walk feels farther than it needs to be. I'd rather swim through the beach than stand here for longer than ten minutes.

"Aren't you going to say hello?"

I turn my head, and there is Draco. He's standing a way behind me, the wind blowing through his nearly-white hair. For a second, I don't believe it's him. We had agreed we wouldn't see each other until September, that the risk would be far too great until then. It's him though, in the green jumper I bought him and trousers that any muggle would think are too uptight for a walk on a marina. He's here.

"Come to threaten me?" I ask, smiling.

He smiles, walking toward me. I meet him in the middle, my arms leaning up to wrap around his neck. I pull back, peering up at him.

"You've gotten taller," I notice.

Now, he's got a head on me. He's still shorter than the average man, wizard or muggle alike, but he feels different. The summer has gotten away from me in ways I hadn't expected. I reach a finger up to his pale face.

"You've gotten a tan," he notices.

I sigh. A few days ago, it was mostly a sunburn. It's since faded, but I suppose I'm so pale in the winter anything is an improvement. Sun reflects off the water and makes people burn more easily. I suppose I like being outside more than inside.

"Camping," I explain. "My parents are trying to make me do things. Mum-"

My eyes widen.

"I've got plans tonight," I tell him. "I can cancel. I've just... come with me."

He nods, and we walk down the marina. My arms wrap around his, strolling. In part, I'm trying to brace myself from the cold. Mum brought me clothes to change into for our mother-daughter date. Since it's just past seven, we didn't want to dally around by going home to change before the film in the backyard. Only once we are close enough to spot my Mum's car do I let go of Draco.

"Give me a minute," I say, heading over. Draco doesn't follow.

I dip down toward the car. Mum rolls down the window, looking at me with a bit of a smile.

"You ready?"

"Actually, I know we are supposed to be there soon, but can we reschedule?" I swallow. I look behind me, up at Draco, and then down at Mum. "A friend from school popped down as a surprise, and it feels rotten leaving."

PRECEDENT : Draco Malfoy IIWhere stories live. Discover now