Chapter 1

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It was hot as hell outside, and with each step I took around the field, the more I wanted to kick the ball at the teacher's head.

"JAMIE, WAKE UP AND CHASE THE BALL!" The teacher yelled, making me groan out and run for it.

My legs were hurting, and I was not the type of guy that liked to play sports, unlike my friends who were applying for scholarships in sports, which was cool for them, but I had zero interest in sweating my ass off running around a field chasing a ball.

The teacher today was a sub, still in training at university, he was the guy every girl in school immediately set their sights on, he the embodiment of a sporty guy, and the total opposite of me.

Yet the most 'impressive' thing about him was that he was British and had an accent that made girls excited to go to physical education.

Kit fucking Pierce.

He has been here a week and has since went out of his way to give me a challenging time, despite being a senior, already stressed to hell with figuring out what I wanted to do with my life.

Even my girlfriend, Hannah, of three years was crushing over this guy, which annoyed me further, because there was nothing interesting about him apart from his pretty face.

I was used to people fussing over me because of who my dad was, a billionaire, and who his husband was, Evan Beckett, a famous actor, there was nothing I wasn't used to, even if it annoyed me, but seeing someone who was meant to love me start crushing on someone in front of me, made me only hate the guy more.

The whistle blew and thankfully the game was over with my team winning 2-1, and at this point I just wanted to shower and lay down at home and try not to think about all the things going on in my life.

"Jamie, can I speak to you for a second?" The sub, Kit, asked.

I walked over to him, using my jersey to wipe the sweat from my face. "Sure."

It was not like I had a choice.

"What's up?"

He put his hand on my shoulder and hinted for me to walk with him, away from the prying eyes, and nosy ears of the other students who love to gossip and pry into people's lives.

Once we were far away from nosy students, Kit smiled at me. "You've been off your game for the past couple of days, is something wrong?"

"Huh?" I looked up at him. "I'm fine."

Apart from disliking the guy, I was my regular self, only a bit stressed. "Just senior stuff."

"Well if there's anything, my door is always open to you, Jamie." He said, smiling a killer smile would have knocked any girl on their ass.

It just made me feel... weird.

I did not know why he was being nice to me; he did not know anything about me. "Thanks... uh, is there anything else?" I asked, awkwardly.


"Jamie!" A voice familiar voice rung through the air, before I felt something, or someone body slap into the back of me, wrapping their arms around me.

When I saw the long-painted pink and purple nails, I knew exactly who it was.

"Are you in trouble?" She cheekily asked, gazing up at Kit, who was no longer smiling but looking at both of us with an unreadable expression.

He looked almost mad.

"No, why do you think that?" I rolled my eyes. "I'm a good student."

Hanna, who thinks everything that comes out of my mouth is sarcasm, scoffs. "Yeah right!"

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