Chapter 11

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"I didn't think you'd really come."

I had made it to Kit's ten minutes ago, and to be honest, I wasn't sure if coming here would be a really good idea.

"Well, I'm here." I said, watching him dry his wet, freshly washed hair.

Kit was being hostile for some reason, and a part of me almost knew why, but the other part of me thought it was too stupid to be upset over, especially since I didn't owe him anything.

Should I just leave?

What was the point coming here, if this was the reaction I got, simply for not 'texting him back fast enough'.

Kit sat next to me, in nothing but sweatpants as he stared at something on his phone, and said nothing else, and although I'd enjoy silence any other day, might now it be just killing me.

The silence was suffocating, so I got up from the sofa, and started walking towards his front door.

"W-Wait, you're leaving?" Kit asked, getting up from the sofa and reaching out to grab my arm.

I stopped and nodded my head, shrugging him off me. "I'm sorry okay... I'm just-"

"It's been three hours and you didn't respond to my texts, I thought you were blowing me off." He said, a look of guilt in his eyes.

"Now I just sound clingy... but really, I thought you were just..."

He closed his mouth and looked at me, like he had said too much as his released his hand from my arm, taking a step back in the process.

"You make me nervous; I really like you and I know you're not there yet but... please stay, don't leave." He said, the tips of his ears turning slightly pink.

My stomach tightened at his words, after his bold, yet embarrassing confession, knowing that somebody had never said this to me, not out loud before.

Kit was nervous, and so that's why he's been acting like this?

I know that it was a red flag, especially to me who disliked clingy people, but when it came from Kit... all I thought was that... he's stupid, stupid and fucking cute.

Fuck, I really was an idiot.

He liked me, we had done stuff together, it was normal for any normal person to feel this way, and because I didn't realize it fast enough, I let my thoughts get the best of me.

I stepped forward and swallowed hard as I stood inches in front of him, leaning forward to rest my head on his shoulder as I take a deep breath.

Kit smelled nice, a mixture of his shower gel and some unknown scent that I had started to crave.

"Sorry." I started, as I thought about how I wanted to just kiss him.

"It's been a weird day."

Kit, who had frozen the moment I laid my head on his shoulder, had wrapped his arm around my back then hugged me as I stood there, the strange feeling of another man hugging me but somehow not hating it washing over me.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Kit asked, as I pulled back from him and stared at his face.

Kit was really good looking, sometimes I wonder why he even liked me, especially since I knew girls were very interested in him, after all, I witnessed one asking him out hours ago.

I didn't feel comfortable sharing about Hanna just yet not knowing if she'd want that news out, even if it was me just telling Kit.

"Just some family stuff." I told him the half-truth.

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