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Last time, yasu and kento fight Isaac with their own seiken. Until they notice that Luna appeared from portal as she was still alive.yasu going save her.But, the portal was suddenly close it.

Back to northern base, yasu and others return to northern base while yasu tell them about he met luna from portal as they surprise.

Mei:you actually met luna-chan?

Yasu:yeah. But she was gone before i knew it.

Sophia:but, should that girl return again. Master logos is surely going to make use of her.

Sophia mentioned that luna return again as master logos going after her and use her as they gasp in shocked. Yasu remembered about kento told him.

Kento:Sophia is a link between the two worlds. She's an artificial lifeform master logos made in luna image.

Yasu(thought):was kento telling me the truth?

Ogami:all right.

Before they heard from ogami and turn back to him as he arrived with sora when he leave hospital and they was surprise to see him

Ogami:then we just crush the Master's plan completed.

They go toward sora and ogami.


Nao:are you okay?

Yayoi:i thought you in hospital.

Daishinji:they discharged you already?

Sora looked up at his dad.

Sora:father is the strongest swordman ever. After all.

Ogami:that's right. Daddy..

Ogami grab sora shoulder to lifting up

Ogami:will never die!

Ogami laugh loudly that he will never die. As sora smiled at him.

Nao:aren't you glad?

Mei:here you go. Sora. For you.

Mei give accessory for sora as he wad surprise to see his face was perfect.

Sora:awesome!is this me?

Rintarou:yes. These are our friendship tokens.

Sora:I'm part of the team too.

Yasu and others was show accessory to sora as same candy and pop too.while they chuckle each others.

Ogami:That's right!you're the swordman of the skies!because his name means sky. Get it?

Rintarou:that sound great.

Miyuki and reika turn back to yasu, who look down about kento as he hold the accessory for kento while he take seat.

Miyuki:i hope you get to give that to kento-san soon.

Yasu:yeah. I hope the three of us can laugh Together in the future...

Reika:i agreed.


Reika turn back daishinji as he give wonder ride book was tategami hyoujjuusenki for reika as she grab it and notice it.

Reika:another wonder ride book?

Miyuki:daishinji-san!you make another for reika-chan?

Daishinji:yeah. I'm sure that the book choose her to obtain new power.


In southern base, two shindai siblings inside Isaac throne room while they bow to him as Isaac asked favor for them that pay attention yasu and capture luna.

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