Chapter 2: This Place Is Weird

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We approached the location that was on the contract, using Google maps to find our way there. But all we saw was this small concrete room, in the middle of a forest. "Did that contract just lie to us?" Dylan asked. "I don't think so." I said as I put the car is park, unlocking the doors and opening the trunk up. "It's A little hard to breathe in there you know." Aaron said. "Yeah, I know. We will actually be able to get two different cars by working here though." I said. "That's true." Dylan said. I walked up to the small concrete room, to notice doors just open. "Wait a minute, that looks like an elevator." I said. "Uh huh. Let's go take it to whatever Lab they said this place was." Aaron said. All three of us walked into the elevator, greeted to three buttons. 'Surface, Hotel, and Lab'. I pressed the lab button, and felt the elevator going down as the doors closed. "This is really weird." I said. "Why do you think so?" Dylan asked. "There's no elevator music playing." I replied. "Right." Dylan said. Then, we heard the elevator ding. We arrived. We were all greeted to a room with flower pots, and weird brown coffee looking stuff on the floor. "Someone sure did spill coffee a lot." I said while walking into an automatic door. (Ohhoho, if only they knew it wasn't coffee 😈) The door opened, revealing a reception counter, and words above it saying 'Laminax Labs'. There was a woman who looked to be in her 30s chewing gum. "Are you here for your position as a scientist?" The woman asked. "We all are." I replied. "Okay, just hold on one second." The woman said. She spoke into a microphone, and when she did, I heard a beeping noise, then her talking through speakers on the wall. It seemed to be an intercom. "Dr. John, report to the reception desk for newly recruited scientists." It then made the beeping noise again. I'm assuming it turned off. "Have you all signed the contract?" The woman asked. "Yeah." I replied. "Okay, here are your room cards." The woman said, handing out cards to the three of us. "Dr. John will show you everything." The woman said.

Just then, someone walked into the room. I am going to assume that was Dr. John. Somehow I can remember their name, but not this facility's name. "Well hello there you three." Dr. John said. "Hello." I said. "I'm going to show you around, come along." Dr. John then showed us around the place.


"Now for the final area, the crystal caverns." Dr. John said as we walked into the giant cavern. "Woah! This is so beautiful..." I said, with my eyes going crazy, looking everywhere. Something was drawing me to one of the crystals. I slowly put my arm right in front of the crystal, moving it forward. I was a few inches away from touching the crystal when someone yelled "DON'T TOUCH THAT MARK!" It was Dr. John. Him yelling caused me to jump away from the crystal. "Those crystals try drawing you into them. And you probably don't want to know what happens when you touch it." Dr. John said that as if those crystals were alive. Like humans. "What would've happened if I touched that crystal?" I thought to myself. "Okay, the tour is finished." Dr. John said in an irritated voice. "What could be so bad about touching a crystal? I really don't get it. They're just so beautiful, and- and- snap out of it Mark!" I thought to myself as I then slapped my cheeks a little. "You alright Mark?" Dylan asked. "Yeah, I'm fine." I replied. Dr. John then walked away. Me, Dylan, and Aaron were now inside the crystal caves, alone. Except for one little creature. I looked to my right, to see a weird dog looking thing. But it was...slimy. "What the hell is that?" I asked, pointing towards the little dog thing. It looked to be a dog with a white mask and green goo. It then came running towards me at full speed. It seemed happy. "Mark, watch out!" Dylan yelled as he watched the little Slimepup? Yeah, I'm calling it that. Jump onto my chest, causing me to fall backwards. Yeah, it had a little strength.

The Slimepup just licked my face, and I pushed it away lightly. It seemed harmless, so nothing could possibly happen that would ruin my life in any way shape or form. Atleast, from that little Slimepup. A person in a lab coat then walked up to me and my friends as the Slimepup continued to lick me. "I watched you fall over. Those things are harmless. You must be new." The scientist said. "Yeah, I am new." I replied. "Alright. By the way, my name is Dr. L." The scientist said. "What's the L stand for?" I asked, still on the floor getting licked by the Slimepup. "It doesn't stand for anything. My first name is actually just L." Dr. L said. "Well that's weird." I said. I then got up, setting the Slimepup on the ground. It then ran away to somewhere, but I couldn't tell where it went. "You three better get your lab coat on." Dr. L said. "Where exactly would that be?" I asked. "Your hotel room." Dr. L replied. "Oh, okay. Ill go there now." I said. All three of us walked towards the reception room, then into the elevator, and I then pressed the 'Hotel' button. "So..." I said. "What?" Dylan asked. "I don't know. Just trying to start a conversation." I replied. The elevator then dinged. "Well you don't have to now, since we're already here." Aaron said. We then walked into our rooms, to see a bunch of coat racks with the same scientist uniform I saw that guy wearing back at the house. I changed out of my clothes into the more sciency looking ones, then looked in the bathroom mirror. "I do look very cool I guess." I said to myself. I then admired at how neat this hotel is. A laboratory with a hotel is pretty cool already.

I then walked out of my hotel room, closing the door with my room card the receptionist gave me. I then saw Aaron and Dylan walk out of their rooms, and towards the elevator. "Alright, let's do some sciency stuff." I said while walking into the elevator with Dylan and Aaron.

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