Chapter 4: Blackout . . .

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The lights flickered again, then fully shut off. The intercom then turned on. "Main power grid is offline . . . backup power grid failed to come online. All staff to the safety bunker immediately." And shut off. The sudden startle caused the guards to lower their guard, having the Protogen grabbing one by the neck...but it didn't strangle that one. It spread white goo up the guard's body as he fell to the ground, and I could hear his cries for help as the goo reached his head. "No, no, NO NO NO!" The guard yelled. The goo then reached his head, when he grew a visor looking thing, a tail, and fur. "Oh my god, that looks painful..." I thought to myself. All of the doors then opened inside the facility. "Shiiiiit..." I said as the other guard ran to the safety bunker. "NOW COME HERE SCIENTIST!" I heard the Protogen yell as I dashed out of the room, hearing the footsteps of something right behind me. I looked back while still running, and it was both the was as if the guard who got transfurred just...lost his own mind. The two were chasing me down the crystal caverns, when I hit something hard with my head. I fell back onto my butt. "Ow!" I exclaimed. It was Dylan. "Dylan?!" I exclaimed. I looked back as the two Protogens continued to sprint after me. I then got up. "Dylan, we need to go. Now. LOOK!" I exclaimed, pointing towards the two Protogens that were running after me fast. "I can't see shit!" Dylan exclaimed. "I KNOW, NOW RUN!" I yelled. We both ran into the empty storage bay going from the crystal caverns to the room in the middle of the hound territory, and cafeteria. I then ran left, and took a right, heading into the cafeteria bathroom to hide.

"Shh..." I shushed Dylan as I hid in a bathroom stall with him. "I see you under that stall." I heard a familiar voice say. Me and Dylan stood quietly. "I'm Dr. L." The voice said. I opened the bathroom stall door. "So...what are you doing with Dylan in the same stall, HMMM?" Dr. L asked. "What- no- I'm not gay! We were just hiding." I replied. "That sure is a lot of stuttering, but whatever." Dr. L said. "How are you so calm right now?!" I exclaimed. "Well uh, this happens kinda often." Dr. L replied. "What? The power going out?" I asked. "Yeah..." Dr. L replied. "You know you don't have to flee." Dr. L said. "What? I don't even have a weapon! How am I supposed to fight? Use my fists? They're straight up goo monsters!" I exclaimed. "Shh. You're going to draw attention." Dr. L replied. "How am I supposed to fight? Huh?" I asked. "Well...there's a knife and bat on the cafeteria shelves." Dr. L replied. I ran out of the bathroom, rushing to grab a wooden bat on a shelf, when I felt something grab my neck. It was the same Protogen from before. Dr. L walked out of the bathroom, holding a Colt Python to the Protogen's head. "Let. Him. Go." Dr. L said. The Protogen turned around, facing Dr. L as he still had a grip on my neck. "How" The Protogen said. Dr. L cocked the gun. "Oh my, a gun, I'm so sca-" The Protogen was interrupted.


The Protogen collapsed on the ground, lifeless. I then gasped for air. "Nice shot. You got him right in the head." I said, looking at the lifeless body. "I sure am lucky I have Dr. L on my side..." I thought to myself. "Come on, pick up that bat." Dr. L said while putting his gun on safe mode and holstering it. I then picked up the bat, as I watched Dylan and Dr. L walk into the cafeteria. Dylan walked to another shelf, grabbing a knife. "Pretty cool." Dylan said. "Wait- where the hell is Aaron? Oh no..." I said with a worried look. "Right..." Dr. L said. "Is he..." I was then interrupted by Dr. L. "Don't think about either of the two you were going to say. But uh, we can look for him." Dr. L said. "If we're going to, we need to do it now." I said. "God this job fucking sucks." I thought to myself. Dylan then looked at a pair of purple glowing glasses with a smirk. "These look pretty sick." Dylan said. "Don't you dare fucking pick those up." Dr. L said pointing his gun to Dylan's head. "DON'T POINT THAT GUN AT HIS HEAD!" I yelled. Out of worrying that Dylan would get killed by Dr. L, I ran up to him, taking the gun away from him. "Alright alright, chill. It's on safe mode anyways. All I said was to not pick those up." Dr. L said while putting his hands up on the floor. "Okay then." I replied, handing his gun back to him. "Do you two always do this?" Dylan asked. "Ehhh, no." I replied. Someone then walked into the cafeteria with a lime Slimepup on their back. It was Aaron. "Aaron! We thought you-" I said, but was interrupted by Aaron. "I know, I know. But I got this little guy on my back now." Aaron said. "Wait, hold on a minute." Dr. L said. "Where did you get that fedora from?" Dr. L asked. "I found it on a crate. Pretty classy, right?" Aaron asked. "NO! IT'S NOT CLASSY! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAVE YOUR LIVES?" Dr. L yelled. He then ran up to Aaron, going to take the fedora off.

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