Chapter 5: Damn It Aaron . . .

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Dr. L ran up to Aaron to go take his fedora off. "Hey, what're you doing?" Aaron asked. "I'm taking your fedora off before you- what the- it won't come off!" Dr. L exclaimed. "No, no no, this is bad." Dr. L said walking back and forth. "I don't know how to tell you this Aaron." Dr. L said. "What?" Aaron asked. "You're going to become one of THEM." Dr. L replied. "What? I survived so long! Well that's just great." Aaron replied. "Will he remember us- or anything when he turns?" I asked. "It's A 75/25. And there is no cure, so he's going to have to deal with this." Dr. L said. "And which one is 75%?" I asked. "Having your memory is a 75%. But there is still a chance that he won't get his memory from being a human. You three never listen..." Dr. L said, sighing. "What the fuck..." Aaron said as he pulled his scientist pants up. His right leg was covered in grey goo. "Alright, that's awesome..." I said sarcastically. The Slimepup on his back jumped off, going to his leg and licking the grey goo. "Well that's odd. Not normal Slimepup behavior for when someone's getting transfurred." Dr. L said. "I might have a cure, but I need the power to be back on for that to happen." Dr. L said. "Really? Cause I'm going to need that, FAST." Aaron replied. The lights then flickered back on. "Okay, well that's just lucky." Dylan said. "Come on, let's get a move on." Dr. L said as we all walked with him towards the elevator. We walked over to the receptions desk, then the elevator. Luckily, no gootraxians were following them. They all walked in the elevator, and Dr. L pressed the hotel button, and music started playing in the elevator. "Music is NOT what I need right now..." Aaron said. The elevator doors then opened, and they all walked into Dr. L's hotel room, when Aaron collapsed. "GAH!" Aaron yelled. "Oh shit, we need the cure FAST!" Dr. L yelled as he rummaged through his drawers. "I don't need more sunglasses, I need- AHA!" Dr. L said as he took a syringe out of a drawer.

Dr. L ran out of the hotel room, to see the goo had already spread to his other arms and part of his torso, and already grew fur. "Come on, fast!" I yelled. Aaron's lab coat was in pieces on the ground, and all that was left was his head. Dr. L then shoved the syringe into Aaron's shoulder, but nothing. "SHIT! THIS IS ONLY A PAINKILLER FOR THE TRANSFUR!" Dr. L yelled. "Oh dear god..." Dylan said. The goo had spread to his head now, and Aaron passed out. Everyone went silent. "I tried my best..." Dr. L said. "DAMN IT!" I yelled as I slammed my fist through the wall. For some reason, my hand actually dented the wall, and it didn't hurt. "You just slammed your fist into the wall...did that hurt." Dr. L asked. "Surprisingly, no." I replied. "What are we supposed to do now..." I asked. "I'm not sure." Dr. L replied. "Wait- can't you just find the cure and inject it into him now?" I asked. "" Dr. L replied. "Why not?" I asked. "Well, the cure is a test product, meaning it might not work, AND, it only works when someone's getting transfurred since the human body is fighting for it's life. All the cure does is inject more white blood cells and killer T cells into your body." Dr. L said. "Yeah, I'm not a nerd, so I didn't understand what you said about killer T cells and white blood cells." I replied. "You don't have to be a nerd. Alright, I'll dumb it down. Your white blood cells and killer T cells kill any bacteria or things trying to kill you inside of your body." Dr. L said while putting his hand on his forehead. "Riiiigggghhhhhtttttt, I get it now." I replied. "Okay, there's actually nothing I can do now that he is fully transfurred." Dr. L said. Aaron then woke up. " head. I hope I still have that fedora on." Aaron said. "Nice to know he has his memory." Dr. L said. "Huh? What do you mean?" Aaron asked. He then scratched his head and got up. "Why the hell is my lab coat on the ground? Who tore it up? I need to know." Aaron said. I then stared at Dr. L, and he stared right back. I then looked at Aaron.

"Well transfurred into a Fed..." I said. "Wait what?!" Aaron exclaimed. He then looked down at his hands. They weren't hands anymore, they were paws. Aaron then got up. "This better not be some sick prank!" Aaron exclaimed. He then looked down at the area where his private parts would normally be, but thankfully, it was just fur. "Do you remember anything of what happened before you got transfurred?" Dr. L asked. "STOP ACTING LIKE I'M YOUR FUCKING TEST SUBJECT!" Aaron yelled, then lept onto Dr. L. "GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!" Dr. L yelled. "Sorry, just uh- I'm just a little scared that I'll uh-" Aaron was then interrupted. "We know." I said. "Can you get off of me?" Dr. L asked. Aaron then walked over to the elevator. "Wait- wait!" I exclaimed as I saw Aaron going down and the doors closing. "Well he's fucked." Dr. L said while getting up. "We need to get down there and find him." I said. All three of us then walked into the elevator, going down to the lab area.

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