1 Winter Solstice

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Year 2002

The students from Busan Elementary School was having a good time in a ski resort in Jeju Island.  It's their first field trip for the school year and the first for Jungkook to volunteer as faculty chaperone with ten students assigned under him.

His co-teacher, Jung Hoseok (aka Angel Hoseok) also volunteered so that he can closely watch the Jeons, on top of the ten students assigned to him — one of which was Jeon Ji Min or Minnie as Jungkook would call her daughter.

Jungkook was in the middle of helping the students ride sleds when he heard Hoseok calling out to him.

"Jungkook! Did you see Minnie?" Hoseok asked.

"What do you mean if I've seen my daughter? Isn't she supposed to be with you?" Jungkook asked.

"She was with me until she got all worked up because I didn't get her a second serving of snow cone. She ran away, but I couldn't catch up with her as I was watching the other kids."  Hoseok said.

"I can't believe you lost her again, Hoseok!" Jungkook said as he was starting to get anxious.

"Hey, in my defense, she deliberately hid from me the last time at the park. I'm sure she's just around here somewhere." Hoseok said, trying to make himself feel better while he was a nervous wreck inside.

"That's different, we know the parks in Busan like the back of our hands. This is our first time here in Jeju and with the number of people here, it's so easy for a 7-year old to get lost!" Jungkook worriedly said.

"i'm really sorry Jungkook. I really tried to stop her and follow her, but you know how your daughter can be." Hoseok said.

"Aish! There's no point in arguing. Go call our back-up volunteers so they can watch our students. Then spread the word about Minnie to the other teachers. We need to go find her." Jungkook said and  Hoseok did what he was told.

A few minutes later, Hoseok came back.

"It's better if we split up so we can cover more ground. I'm sending you a photo of her I took this morning so you can show it to others." Jungkook said and the two of them parted ways.

As Hoseok was looking for Minnie, he kept on calling out her name. He stops every once in a while

"Minnie!! Jeon Minnie!! Ji Min!!" Hoseok yelled.

"What?! Who's calling me?!" A male's voice came from behind him.

"Jimin?!?! What in our boss's name are you doing here?!?!" Hoseok gasped.

"What do you mean what am I doing here!?!?! I told you last month that the Kims were planning to go here. So, what are YOU doing here!?!?!"

"I'm here for the school field trip. Did YOU forget!? I told you about it three months ago!" Hoseok yelled back.

"Oh my...this is bad. This is soooo bad. What if they see each other? We are so dead!" Jimin said in a panicked state.

"We can't die. We're angels remember? Been there done that." Hoseok laughed.

"Oh you think this is funny??? There's nothing amusing about this whole thing!!!" Jimin said in a high pitched voice, paused and then glared at Hoseok. "Wait a minute, you were not calling out my name. You were looking for Minnie weren't you?!?! Did you just lose her again???"

"Oh, duck!! Yes!! Now, help me find her, quickly!" Hoseok said.

"Are you crazy??? I can't leave Taehyung here!!!" Jimin said.

Hoseok looked around and then gave Jimin a questionable look.

"There's no Taehyung here."

"What?! There he is — wait, where did he go?!?! See what you've done?!?! You distracted me!!!"  Jimin frantically looked around.

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