9 When It Rains It Pours

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"So, what are you planning to do? I think you should talk to Mr. Jeon about this." Nayeon said.

"I want to find Young Tae's best friend first. I want to talk to him." Taehyung said.

"Taeh, I think it's best you raise this matter with Mr, Jeon first. For all we know, he might know where that Bogum guy is. It would spare you all the trouble looking for him if he does."

"But, what if my dream was just a regular dream? Like it didn't really happen that way?"

"Oh, come on Taehyung. Since when have you been dreaming without it being related to Young Tae's past? It's a bit absurd for you to dream about two people you haven't met, you know?"

"But, wouldn't it be too difficult for Jungkook? I mean, it's bad enough that he lost his wife. But, for me to tell him that her death might not have been an accident would be devastating for him."

"But, what if this is the reason why you're presented with all these memories and visions? I mean...getting the truth out there. To get justice for Young Tae."

"What? You mean, I could just be a tool for that instead of the possibility that Jungkook and I were meant to be together? It's all about Young Tae all along?"

"Hey, I'm not saying that. Can't it be both?"

"But, what if?"

"Can you pkease stop overthinking?"

"How can I not when first and foremost, I have her face. I'm quite sure that I got Jungkook's attention from the get go because of it. Secondly, we got close because I volunteered to let him know about these visions I get of his wife. And then, there are times that he does things based on Young Tae's preferences. Whether consciously or unconsciously, he ends up comparing sometimes. I don't know. It's getting so complicated and I'd be lying if I say that I trust him completely when he says that he loves me for me. Because, all these factors make me think that maybe he really just sees Young Tae in me."

"Look, Bestie, if you're not sure and if you have all these crazy thoughts in your head, then why did you agree to being his boyfriend?"

"You know our background, Nayeon. He was my knight in shining armor."

"I know, Taeh. You are a hopeless romantic and I get that. But, being in love with someone is way different than being in love with the concept of it all. How everything started between the two of you seems like a fairy tale story, so maybe you're in love with that idea? You are expecting a fairy tale ending as well too, right?"

Taehyung looked at Nayeon and sighed.

"Yes, of course I am. But, I know that I do love him, because he's the only one I can see that fairy tale ending happening with me. I liked him first because of what he did for me and not because he reminded me of someone. It was out of my own accord. I know in my heart that he is the one for me."

"Then, why are you stressing yourself with all the non-sensical thoughts?"

"Because I'm scared that he might still be feeling that Young Tae is the one for him. He chose her in the same way that I choose him. She was the love of his life and I don't want to be an extension of that. I want him to see ME not to see her through me."

Nayeon sighed back, "This is so fucked up. I get your point, and unfortunately, I don't know Mr. Jeon enough to give you assurance. But, based on how he acts towards you, I kinda feel that he likes you for being you.  I hope that would help you for now."

"I guess. I dont't have much choice, because I really don't want to lose him. And that is why I need to get to the bottom of this without telling him. It'll break me to see him broken because of her again.  I'm sure he would be distraught and desperate until he finds out the truth and he will be doing everyhting for her...again. It'll be all about her...then that would break me much more."

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