10 Right As Rain

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Jungkook and Taehyung were eating dinner at the former's apartment. Jungkook was supposed to cook, but they just decided to order out since it was pretty late.

Taehyung wanted to forget about Young Tae and Bogum so he could just enjoy the night. However, he just can't shake the thought off.  It didn't help that Jimin and Yoongi's advise to tell Jungkook the truth kept repeating like a broken record in his head.

"Taehyung!" Jungkook called his name out loudly.

"Huh?" Taehyung looked at Jungkook, wondering why the latter was almost yelling his name out loudly.

"Are you okay? I've been calling out your name for the fifth time."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Were you asking me something?"

"I was asking what project are you working on with Mingyu."

"What project?"

Jungkook furrowed his brows and was starting to think that Taehyung is hiding something from him.

"You said you left with Mingyu this afternoon as you had to work on a project."

"Oh...that. Um...well, I lied."

"What do you mean you lied? Did you...was it a date?" Jungkook asked as he placed his chopsticks down and stopped eating...anxiously waiting for Taehyung's answer.

"What?! No, it wasn't a date! Why would you even think that? You think I'd cheat on you?" Taehyung raised his voice.

"If it's not that then, what is it? What did you lie about?"

"You didn't answer my question. You think I'm capable of cheating on you?"

"No." Jungkook sighed "I'm sorry. It wasn't an accusation, more a clarification. I shouldn't have asked that. My insecurities are eating me up right now. I'm overthinking, because I can feel that you're hiding something from me."

Taehyung looked down and started to play with the rings on his fingers — something he does when nervous. Apparently, something Young Tae does too — and, Jungkook saw it. He didn't bother bringing it up though as he didn't want to make Taehyung feel that he's being compared to Young Tae again.

"I had a vusion again. But, this time, it's really disturbing. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, but I had my reasons." Taehyung paused and looked at Jungkook.

"Go on. I'm listening."

"I saw what happened to Young Tae at the faculty room, before the bleeding happened. I don't think it was an accident Jungkook. It seemed like it was caused by something she ate."

Jungkook stilled. Taehyung observed his reaction closely and he could see something in Jungkook's eyes that he never saw before.  Fear...anguish. He saw how tears welled up in Jungkook's eyes and it was slowly breaking his heart.

"W-what are you saying? What do you mean?"

"She ate something. Jungkook. The favorite salad that you prepared for me? Someone left it on her desk and she ate it. Then, minutes later, she felt pain and then she started bleeding."

Taehyung could see how Jungkook was trying so hard to compose himself, but he could see right through him. "D-did you s-see who gave it to her?"

"She found a note on it. The note said that it came from...Bogum?"

"No! N-no that can't be...he wouldn't. W-why? Why would he harm Young Tae? He...he was her best friend. He wouldn't Taeh!" Jungkook was starting to become agitated.

"I know, Jungkook. I saw how petrified he was when he saw Young Tae bleeding." Taehyung started crying, remembering the scene vividly in his head. "I saw how desperate he was to find help. I saw him when he called you up. I saw him break down when Young Tae was taken by the medical staff. I don't think it was him either. That's why...that's why I tried to look for him as I wanted to talk to him."

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