11 Winter is Coming

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Jungkook held Taehyung's hand as they sat and waited in the arrival area at Seoul airport.  Jin was scheduled to arrive today, and it was Taehyung's first time meeting him. He couldn't explain where the nervousness is coming from as he's never been like this before when meeting a complete stranger.  So, he's been biting his nails and lower lip like crazy.

"Hey, relax. My hyung is really nice. He will like you for sure, and you'll like him too." Jungkook said.

"It's my first time doing this. I mean...meeting my boyfriend's family. Well, you're my first boyfriend ever so, go figure. Plus, how sure are you that he will approve of our relationship? "

"That thought never bothered you before, so why now?"

"I don't know. I just have this sinking feeling that I can't explain."

"It will be alright. Trust me."

"Okay." Taehyung said.

"There he is!" Jungkook said as he stood and pulled Taehyung up with him.

"Jin hyung! Over here!" Jungkook yelled.

Taehyung looked towards the man Jungkook was waving at. When he saw Jin, he didn't just feel doubly anxious, but felt intimidated as well.

  When he saw Jin, he didn't just feel doubly anxious, but felt intimidated  as well

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"Jungkook! Where's Ji-Min?" Jin asked as he hugged his brother.

"She's at the university. She has an org activity to attend to."

"I see and who is — HOLY MOTHER OF...you...you look like Youngie!! Aaaaaaaahhhh!"

you look like Youngie!! Aaaaaaaahhhh!"

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And just like that, Taehyung's tense self relaxed a bit, as he laughed at Jin's reaction.

"Hyung! Stop screaming. People are looking." Jungkook said.

"But...but....how...who, who are you?" Jin asked.

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