Chapter Two

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Shun waves at the people he recognised with a small smile on his face, unlike his sister who walked with her nose high, acting like she was some kind of celebrity. Shun always tried to make that habit of hers go away but it never worked.

'Well are you excited for your second year, Kana?' Shun asks trying to form a conversation between the two. Kana let out a small laugh and didn't even blink at the question which made him sigh.

'Of course I am!' she replied cheerfully and full of energy. Shun nods as he looks down at his shoes while walking.

The male was enrolling in the second year of the arts department, and every time he thought about it made him grimace slightly. Him? Being an actor? It seemed so out of place. A small smile crept up on his face and he let out a chuckle.

Kana gave him a questioning gaze making Shun shake his head at her. He wondered what Gorou would think about him becoming an actor. Would he be happy? Confused? Shun doesn't think he would mind, after all they loved each other dearly.

The black haired male sighs at the thought. Gorou was still missing. He knew that by searching his name up on the internet. No one has heard from him or seen him in years.

At first, Shun thought that maybe Gorou had left. Maybe Gorou got so sick of him and his life that he wanted to leave everything behind. But after giving it a second thought the male realised that something like that wouldn't make any sense.

He always seemed to be happy with everything, his job, friends, family and him. Besides if he had left he would've at least kept contact with his mother or with his friends. Which he didn't.

Shun hoped that his husband was still alive somewhere. Even if the chances of him leaving everything behind was slim, he hoped that the theory was the case. And even if they can't be together again, he hopes that he's living a good life.

His eyes dropped, the grip on his bag tightening. However, Shun knew better, of course that wasn't the case. What were the chances, what does hope mean? In this case nothing.

He just wished he knew the truth.


What happened to him?


Why didn't he return home that night?


Kana's shout snaps him out of his daydreaming. Shun turns to face Kana startled and she sighs worriedly putting a hand on her brother's shoulder. 'You're spacing out a lot, you know?' the girl says with furrowed eyebrows.

The male smiles at her. 'I was mentally reviewing the script I got for my next role' he lied with a nervous chuckle while rubbing the back of his neck.

Kana made a face of pure delight and puts her hands on her hips giving her brother a grin. 'When you get the money, let's go out to eat!' she demanded happily.

Shun let out a laugh, Gorou leaving his mind completely. 'Let's pay the rent first alright?'




Shun looks down at the watch on his wrist impatiently. He hates school, he always hated school and still hates it now. After being reincarnated his first thought was about that he had to follow school all over again. And everyone can agree that something like that is a huge pain in the ass.

But it's not like he's learning the same things he learned in his past life. This time school was different. Still annoying? Yes. But different and a good different.

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