Chapter Seven

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Shun's head goes up and down, following the beat of the music blasting through his earphones. In just a couple of days, he'll be participating in that weird dating show, which he deeply regrets accepting.

The boy furrows his eyebrow when the music was briefly interrupted. He gets the phone out of his pocket and raises an eyebrow at the new notification he received.

Aqua sent you a message

Shun stops his movements, surprised. Why would he text him? Especially after the awkward talk between the two of them. His fingers begin typing his password fast, so fast he got it wrong a couple of times.


Need to talk. Meet me at the park near our school.

Shun groans. Not because he didn't want to meet the boy (yes it was), but because he was at his apartment door. Meaning, he was nowhere near his school.

The boy huffs before turning around. He could say no, sure. He could also hear Aqua out. I mean maybe it's important, you know? Don't get him wrong. It's not like he needs everything to be settled between the two of them. It's just a weird feeling he has, as if his mind is telling him to stay away but his heart is telling him otherwise.

Weird right?

Yeah. Absolutely.

And now he was starting to get nervous.

Something is wrong.

A while later he arrived, the sun was setting and the night was gonna arrive in no time. He walks up the tiny stairs to the park before his eyes catch sight of Aqua, but not only him, Ruby and Kana too.

Kana upon seeing her brother, stands up and runs to him. 'Shu! Tell them they're crazy! There is no way I'm gonna be an Idol.' She says desperately.

The boy frowns. 'Idol? What?' Shun walks forward to where Aqua and Ruby  are standing, with some difficulty since Kana is clinging onto him like a Koala. 'Okay, what is happening here? Why did you ask me to meet you here?' He looks at Aqua.

The blond doesn't respond because his twin does with an enthusiastic smile. 'Shun, I would like your sister to be an idol with me.'

Kana lets go of her brother to see his face, trying to get a reaction. 'Is that why you called me here?' Shun asks, his eyes fixated on Aqua. The blond nods without hesitation. Shun grimaces. 'Great, now I'm feeling like an idiot.'

He shakes his head and clears his throat, before walking over and sitting on a bench. 'Idol, you say?' he mutters and makes a face. 'I don't think... I don't think that's a good idea... She could lose her acting jobs. We need the money, I can't hold both of us alone. Especially if the Idol thing could fail very easily.'

'Not to mention what happened to that Idol Gorou was so amazed about.'

'Gorou...' Shun frowns deeply and then glances at his sister with a sigh. 'Well, it's up to you. What do you want?'

Kana walks up to him and sits down before looking down at her lap. 'I don't know. I wanted to hear what you thought. I care a lot about what you think, brother.'

Shun presses his lips together and turns his attention to Ruby who is waiting impatiently for an answer. 'I'm sorry but-'

'I beg you, Shun Arima.' Aqua kneels in front of him which makes Shun's heart do things that it shouldn't. Aqua kept on his blank face and you would think that it would make the situation better. But it didn't. His blue eyes stared right into his soul and Shun suddenly couldn't breathe. 'Please let your sister be an Idol with mine.'

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