Memories From The Past

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'Really?' the little girl asks, her eyes shining with curiosity.

The male nods while sitting on a sofa across from the girl's bed. 'He's great. He's the warmest and sweetest person I know. And he's so smart and good with his words.'

Sarina beams, the smile on her face so big it can even make the biggest rain cloud shine. 'He seems so cool! Can I meet him?' she asks with a pleading tone. 

Gorou blinks giving the girl an apologetic smile. 'I don't know, Sarina. He's very busy you know?'

'Oh, Come on!' the girl whines. 'Can't you talk to him? Pretty please?'

The male sighs unsurprised. 'I'll try but can't guarantee anything.


Gorou laughs at his fidgety husband as they walk through the hospital corridors. 'Why are you so nervous?'

His husband sighs. 'I'm not.'

Gorou simply smiles while reaching his hand out to open the door. 'Right.' when hearing the door open a little girl almost as pale as snow turns her eyes away from the screen.

'Doctor.' the girl beams almost immediately as the two males walk in. Her gaze lands on the other male in the room, her eyes squinting his way making him feel more nervous than he already is.

'Sarina, how're feeling?' the doctor asks with a sweet smile making the girl feel all warm inside.

'I'm good! I was just watching Ai perform.' she says excitedly, it's like a light ignited in her.

'I'm glad.' Gorou nods before gesturing to his husband who tightened the grip on the bag he's holding. 'You said you wanted to meet him, right? This is my husband, Sarina.'

Sarina's lips parted when the realization came to mind. 'It's nice to meet you, Sarina. My partner here talks about you a lot.' the male greets lovingly.

'Uwaa, really?'

'Yep.' he approaches the girl's bed while Gorou takes a seat on the sofa nearby. 'I took some time off work since Gorou told me you wanted to meet me.'

Sarina's eyebrows furrow in concern. 'I didn't mean to cause any trouble by asking that.'

The male laughs as he shakes his head.  'It's no trouble at all, those people love me too much to fire me. Cuz I'm great and all.' he brags proudly making Gorou roll his eyes unamused. The male turns to Gorou irritated 'I saw that, you stupid nerd.'

Gorou gasps dramatically. 'You hear that, Sarina? I get abused at home.'

Sarina blinks before deadpanning. 'You started it though.'

Gorou's husband lets out a loud laugh. 'Ha take that!' he turns to the girl with a wide grin. 'That's my girl. Here, give me a five!' the two high-five each other while giggling like two maniacs.

'Do you wanna watch one of B-komachi's concerts with me?' Sarina asks as she gestures to the TV in her room. The TV was decorated with Ai stickers and merchandise.

'Sure.' he says before walking over to the sofa Gorou is sitting on and dropping himself down sideways on his lap. 'I'll watch it from here.'

Gorou's eyes widen. 'Not in front of the kid!' he hisses but makes no move to push him off.

'But Sarina's a big girl, right? Besides this is nothing.'

Sarina quickly nods. 'I'm a big girl but when I'm even bigger I'm gonna take your place and marry doctor!' she says happily.

Gorou deadpans while his husband blinks furiously. 'Em, what?'

Gorou looks to the side awkwardly. 'Yeaaah...'

The male on his lap smirks smugly as he crosses his arms determined. 'Alright bring it on, Sarina! I'll fight you off with all I have!'

Sarina raises her arms in the air. 'Bring it on!'

Gorou sweatdrops as he laughs awkwardly. 'Let's just watch the concert for now, okay?!'


'No, you're doing it wrong!'

His boyfriend sighs for the tenth time with frustration. 'Gorou, let's face it I'm never gonna understand this shit!' he snaps annoyed as the dark-haired male shakes his head.

'If you put your head to it you surely can do it.' he says while pushing his glasses further up his nose.

His boyfriend grins mischievously, wiggling his eyebrows at the one next to him. 'How can I focus with such a fine babe next to me?' he says with a low whistle.

Gorou simply scoffs at him. 'You should focus otherwise you're never gonna pass your exams.' he says completely ignoring the unnecessary comment made by his boyfriend. 'You say you want to be a good lawyer so try your best for it! You're never gonna accomplish your goal if you keep skipping school and doing your job only halfway right.'

'Damn no need to call me out like that, I thought you liked me.' he pouts, turning away from Gorou dramatically.

The male with the glasses sighs unamused. 'Sorry, I just want to help you. You know that.'

His boyfriend nods slowly. 'I know.' he whispers before shrugging it off like his exams were nothing. 'But I still have a whole day to learn thirty paragraphs! Sooo, let's make out!' he proposes as he gets off his chair to stand in front of the other male proudly.

'A whole day is nothing...' Gorou says as the other moves to sit on his lap, facing him with a shit-eating grin. 'If you fail you're gonna have to do the year over without me.' he states as the other rolls his eyes inpatient. 'And it'll take long for us to move in together.'

'I can't wait for that to happen, Gorou!' the other beams while holding his shoulders tightly, already Imagining his dream house before his eyes. 'I want a huge bed and a very modern TV.'

'Well for that to happen you have to pass your exams, so...' the male tries to push his boyfriend off of him but he won't move.

The other snickers, twirling a strand of Gorou's hair between his fingers. 'I think a minute or five kissing won't affect my grades at all. Actually, I think it might motivate me.'

Gorou rolls his eyes before wrapping his arms around his boyfriend's waist and nodding. 'Five minutes then you go back to your studies.'

The other nods while leaning in. 'Five minutes or more...' he places his lips on the other's, arms wrapping themselves around Gorou's neck.

He curses under his breath when his nose somehow hits Gorou's glasses. He pulls back only to put the male's glasses on the top of his head. 'I can't see your face well this way...' his boyfriend states while squinting his eyes slightly.

His boyfriend smiles. 'You don't need to see me, only feel me.' Gorou huffs but doesn't object when his boyfriend leans down to kiss him again.

Not even ten seconds later, Gorou with one swift move pushes his boyfriend to the ground. 'What the-...?' the other blurts out confused when his butt hit the ground.

'Five minutes is over.' Gorou says as he returns his glasses to his nose.

'What? No, it's not. It's not even been two minutes! Scammer!!' the other whines as he stands up, scoffing at Gorou's small smile.

'Let's return to your studies.' Gorou practically demands and the other male scowls annoyed. Gorou crosses his arms and looks down to his lap. 'When you're done I'll buy you dinner.'

And just like that the other beams. 'Mac Donald's?! Chicken nuggets with fries and a Mac flurry?!' he asks excitedly.


'Then let's work! Together we can beat math and eat together in the Mac at three AM!' he quickly grabs a pencil ready to work his butt off.

(He gave up after one minute but got his Mac Flurry anyways. Cuz Gorou is a simp)

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