Chapter Five

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It was dark and rainy. The drops of rain fell on to the old metallic shed, echoing soft thud noises inside. Not loud enough to ruin today's filming and also not too quiet to not be heard. It was the perfect environment for the scene Aqua and Kana were about to film.

Just by the open entrance, Shun wraps his arms around himself, his hair slightly wet from being outside. Having to step out of the taxi without anything to cover himself made him soaked in just a minute under the rain. 'I should've said no...'

Kana's eyes brighten before she starts to wave at him, gesturing for him to get closer. Shun caught her eye, she wasn't alone, Aqua was by her side. 'You're here! I was starting to think you wouldn't come.' Kana says with a small grin when Shun walks closer.

Shun nods at her and then turns to Aqua giving him a nod too. 'Yeah, uhm did you guys already film..?'

Kana shakes her head and sighs. 'No only a practice run...'

'Pretty sloppy' Aqua states making the girl shrug.

Shun's eyes left his sister and went to the purpled haired male instead who was approaching them with an annoyed expression. 'Hey there, Kana. The rain's crazy today, huh?' He complains and then turns to look at Shun as if just realizing he was there.  'Shun, hey'

'The rain's crazy today, huh?' Narushima repeats while playing with a few strands of his hair. A strange habit of his, Shun has the theory that he does it when nervous but who knows?

Shun gave him a tiny smile. 'I've only noticed a few leaks, you'll be fine.' He says and Kana nods. Aqua stayed unmoving by her side

Narushima scoffs while eyeing him strangely. 'Well, this humidity makes my hair frizzy. Plus, I hate how damp it feels in here'

Shun raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything further. Before it could get awkward Kana laughed nervously and gestured to Aqua. 'Oh, let me introduce you. He'll be playing the stalker today'

'I'm Aqua...-' Aqua says and bows slightly forwards. 'I look forward to work-' the other male simply mumbled a "Hi" before walking away like he was nothing. Aqua stood up straight and furrowed his eyebrows at Shun.

'That guy's got a bad attitude. He didn't even introduce himself.' He says in an annoyed whisper and Shun smiles nodding his head lightly.

'Well, he's young too, and it's pretty common for rising stars to be like that' Kana states and puts a hand by her chin. She sweatdrops. 'Er, I'm kinda bashing myself by saying that'

Shun put a hand on Aqua's shoulder. 'Well, greeting people is an important part of the job.' He says when catching sight of the director of the series. His hand slid down to the boy's back and gave him a little push. 'Go on...'

Aqua stumbles forward and his eyes meet the director's ones. 'Ah, Shun Arima have you come to watch your sister again?' The director asks, ignoring Aqua for a split second.

While Shun nodded, Aqua began to introduce himself. 'Pleased to meet you. I am Aqua with Strawberry Productions' he bows down and closes his eyes. 'I look forward to work with you today'

The director raised a hand before turning around to leave. 'Yeah same here' he says not impressed. Shun narrowed his eyes at the man's back before shrugging and returning to Aqua.

'I'm gonna get something for myself to drink, want something?' When Aqua shook his head Shun left his side and went over to the cheap coffee machine. The male grimaced. 'I'd rather have some hot chocolate...but coffee will do'

He pressed some buttons and the machine started running. A loud shout made him turn his head around, apparently, they were gonna start with the rehearsals. Shun quickly took his coffee, dragged a chair over to where the crew was standing and sat down.

No one even turned their head, they were used to it. Shun always came over and simply enough became part of the group. He just had that personality that everyone likes.

He watched Aqua and Kana get ready before one of the staff members gave them the signal and shouted. 'And... action!'

And they started. Shun moved to sit at the end of his plastic chair, his coffee forgotten on the ground. Aqua had a black hoodie on and he started to walk towards Kana and Narushima at a slow pace. He had his hands in his pockets, head hung low, and tried to have the most blank face he could make.

And then he lifted his head, Shun narrowed his eyes, since when did Aqua have a star in one of his eyes? He never really seen it, how did he miss such detail? Shun didn't even notice, but Aqua started talking, his eyes didn't seem to leave the blond figure, for not even one second.

He blinked when the same woman shouted again. He dropped himself back on the chair and let out a sigh, when did he stand up anyway? He felt weird, Aqua made him feel weird. But only because he reminded him of someone, someone he's been trying to forget.

Aqua walked out of the scene to take a break just like everyone else. Narushima went to do his make-up with some staff members and Kana ran over to her brother. Shun stands up and gave the girl a big and proud smile.

'You did great as always!' Shun says making the girl's mood brighten. Kana nods quietly before walking over to the table with the drinks. Shun bit down on his bottom lip, his eyes constantly going over to Aqua who was leaning against the walls of the shed.

'I should tell him that he did a great job...right?'  this would be the first time they'll talk without Kana around. Should he really? Shun nodded to himself before standing up from his chair. Yes, he should.

Shun quietly approached Aqua from the side and when Aqua's head turned he almost ran away. Almost. 'Man, your acting is great! You shouldn't waste your time working behind the scenes...' Shun says nervously and looks down when Aqua meets his eyes.

Aqua put his hands inside the pocket of his hoodie. 'This is a role anyone could do so long as they practiced...' he says.

Shun shrugs. 'I mean couldn't everyone do everything when they practice?'

'I'm not so lousy that I hinder others, but I don't exhibit any charm either...' Aqua's eyes left the boy which allowed Shun to look at him. He pulls his hood down. 'If you're looking for terrific acting from me, I'm sorry.'

Shun let out a chuckle making the other turn to him again, this time Shun didn't look away. 'As if, honestly Aqua you're just pulling yourself down right now. Believe me, you did enough...'

'I just know how much thought you're putting into this, and I can see that you actually watched the show just to do a better job' Shun stepped a little closer slightly nudging his shoulder with the other's. 'You took Kana's words to heart and mind, and that's what matters. I'm so glad you're doing this and I'm so glad at how you're doing this'

Shun gave him a little teasing smirk. 'I mean if you reallyyy don't want to act, being a doctor is always an open option, no?'

Aqua shrugs lightly and moves to properly stand face to face with the male. 'And you? Why didn't you pursue into being a lawyer..?'

Shun's smirk falters, his hands starting to play with each other as he looks down to his feet. 'Well, I did for a while actually because I didn't think acting would work for me...'

'But then Kana convinced me to do one last work and that last one became the first of a lot...' Shun's eyes traveled over to his sister and smiled slightly. 'And it looks like she did the same for you. Believe me, she wouldn't care if your work was badly done, she's just happy you're continuing this line of work'

Shun's eyes returned to the blond figure, their eyes meeting for the second time. And there it was again. The stupid feeling of deja vu. Shun tried his best to ignore it, which was easy as he stared at the star in the male's eye.

Fascinating. Beautiful. Mesmerizing-

'Wait a second. Didn't that idol have the same shit?!'

Maybe that explains the deja vu...


I don't think that's what is causing this feeling of deja vu...

Thank you for reading!

If there are any spelling mistakes please say so!

Season 1 Episode 3 (3/3)


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