Chapter Eleven

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'They look good together, don't they.' Mem-cho says with a smile as she, Shun, and Yuki are watching the two talk. The two being Aqua and Akane, and speaking of them Aqua and Akane have both been acting, weird. 

Shun couldn't take his eyes off them. '...yeah, sure.' he mumbles hesitantly before frowning. 'Why is Akane acting like this? Like...-'

'That one idol gorou was so amazed about?'

Mem-cho shrugs. 'I already knew that Akane was acting strange, but Aqu-tan is too, don't you think?' she says while turning to look at the two standing with her.

Yuki hums with furrowed eyebrows and Shun simply nods. The blond girl huffs. 'Let's find out.' Mem-cho says determined. She looks back at the pair before shouting 'Hey! Aqu-tan, grab that pouch for me!' she says referring to the dog styled pouch on the desk next to Aqua. 

The blond didn't even turn to look at her. 'I'm thinking about something, get it yourself.'

Akane pouts. 'It won't take long. Just get it for her.' she says, eyes shining with the same stupid star Shun has been seeing everywhere.

It doesn't take a second before Aqua nods. 'Kay.' 

'Mem-cho should stop being too lazy, let her get it.' Shun says as Aqua is about to stand up from his chair to grab it. 'Just like Akane said, it's right there, she can grab it.' Why Shun was saying all this was a mystery. Why didn't he just let Aqua do what Akane asked?

Shun felt an immense amount of smugness enter his body when Aqua relaxed on his chair and nodded. 

Mem-cho squints her eyes at the two males before running over to Yuki. 'This is weirder than I thought! At first, I thought he only listened to Akane but it seems like Shun has more control over him than her!!' she shouts at Yuki's face. She turns her head slightly to stare at them. 'I have the feeling something rainbow is going on.'

Shun's face exploded. 'You got it wrong!' he says before pointing at Aqua. 'It's just because we know each other longer, that's all!'

Suddenly Mem-cho was standing behind him holding his shoulder. 'So who do you like better.' she asks Aqua mischievously while squeezing Shun's shoulders to death.

Shun was ready to die and go to heaven. 'What are you talking about, Mem-cho?!' he hisses irritated and embarrassed. What made him even more mad is the fact that Aqua still held his stupid, handsome blank face on.

'It's not like that.' the blond says shortly and Shun nods along.

'Well, you do like the new Akane, right?' Yuki asks as she was standing behind Akane, just like Mem-cho was behind Shun. 'Or do you still prefer Shun?'

'Huh?!' Shun was about to throw himself out of the window. 

Mem-cho slowly pushes Shun closer to Aqua while Yuki does the same with Akane. 'See! See!' they say teasingly in union.

'Knock it off.' Aqua whispers and Shun wouldn't have heard him if they weren't standing so close. Shun couldn't exactly see his face, that was until he turned around the slightest to cover his face with his hands. 'Stop, seriously.'

Now that's something Shun will never forget, the sight of a blushing Aqua. His eyes widen and he felt himself mumble Aqua's name unconsciously. Just like that their eyes met and Shun could feel his heart beating in his ribcage. The others were still shocked from seeing Aqua's blushing face to even acknowledge it. It was so loud. They were so close, that he was afraid that Aqua would somewhat feel it.

Aqua then lowers his head to hide the red on his face before quickly walking out of the classroom. 'For who was that reaction?' Mem-cho asks still stunned.

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