Tuesday: Old Habits Die Hard

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​He woke up the next morning and smiled when he saw Mike and Chester sleeping in the bed next to him. Dave sighed as he realized it had only been two days with Mike and Chester as little kids. He moved the book Mike had been reading out of the way and onto the shelf. He smiled at the two of them sleeping next to each other. He walked out into the kitchen where he made himself a cup of coffee and sat at the table. Brad came over a minute later. The four of them had all slept in the same room that night because they didn't have the heart to move Mike back to the other room.

​"They're sleeping still," Dave said with a smile. Brad grinned and nodded at him.

​"That's good. They didn't wake up once last night," he said and Dave nodded agreement.

​"I was so happy."

​They were eating breakfast when the first cry from the boys' room came. It was Mike, not Chester.

​"DAAADDDDYYY! Chesser won't wake up!" Mike's scream echoed from the room. Dave shot out of his seat and ran over to Mike who was crying and shaking Chester who still had his bear clutched in his hands and his eyes shut.

​"Chester? Chester come on and get up," Dave said quietly shaking the little boy gently. Mike was crying in Brad's arms. Chester's eyes slowly opened and his hand went up to his ear and he started crying.

​"Hurts," Chester cried as he grabbed the pillow and shoved his face into it. Dave sighed and gently rubbed the boy's trembling back. Dave leaned down and pressed his cheek to Chester's forehead. The poor boy had a fever. Of course Chester would get sick. Old habits died hard.

​"See Chester's ok," Brad said and Mike whimpered before letting Brad set him back on the bed. Chester was still crying.

​"Brad....Chester's sick," Dave said and Brad gave him an exasperated look.

​"I thought he'd forget that he did that every tour."

​"Nope. Let's see what happens today. If it gets any worse, we might have to go to the doctor's later."

​"Ok. Sounds good."

​Chester sniffled and wiped his nose as tears ran down his cheeks. It was heartbreaking to watch that boy cry. Brad picked Mike up again and took him into the kitchen.

​"Ssshhh, don't cry Chester. You're going to feel better," Dave said. Chester cried and shook his head. Whatever was wrong with him was hurting him. He couldn't watch that.

​"What hurts huh? What hurts?" he asked softly. Chester grabbed his ear and continued to cry. His ear. That meant that he could have some kind of headache there or he had an ear infection. And a fever. They should probably just keep him rested and cool for the day and then take him to the doctor tomorrow.

​"It's ok. Ssshhh, just relax," Dave said as Chester curled up in a ball. He was wearing the little dinosaur pajamas that they'd bought for him. He smiled slightly and picked him up.

​"We're going to get you some water ok? That'll make you feel better," Dave said and Chester nodded but didn't move. He was still crying and Dave had a feeling he wouldn't stop until he fell asleep again. Dave filled up a sippy cup with water and gave it to Chester who took it in his hands and started to drink. Mike was sitting at the table eating his food quickly.

​"Chesser! I'm going to get you a toy!" Mike said trying to cheer the other boy up. Chester sniffled and continued to suck on the sippy cup.

​"I'm sure he'd like that," Dave said with a smile at Mike, "But Chester's not feeling very well today. So we want to be quiet near him so he can rest ok?"

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