Sunday: The Zoo and LPTV

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​He woke up early in the morning and sighed as he heard Mike crying. Of course. He got up and turned the light on and shook his head as Dave woke up too.

​"Brad, what are you doing?" Dave asked.

​"Mike's crying," Brad said and they got up. Dave shook his head as he saw Mike crying and hiding under his covers. Chester stood by the bed with toilet paper wrapped around parts of his body. He looked like a small mummy. Which was probably why Mike was screaming. Chester looked up at them with a confused look on his face. Dave grabbed Chester and sighed.

​"Come on Chester. Let's get this off of you," Dave said with a small smile. Chester giggled and shrugged. Brad sat down on the bed and then gently pulled the covers off. Mike whimpered quietly.

​"Hey buddy, it's ok. Chester was just a little messy," he said softly. Mike shivered but yawned and climbed into his arms. Brad laughed and ruffled Mike's hair gently.

​"How about we get you some cereal and you and Chester can watch some TV ok?"

​Mike clapped happily and nodded his head, "Cheerios!"

​"Ok then," Brad smiled and carried Mike out of the room.


​"Chester....please don't do this ever again," Dave said as he continued untangling Chester from the toilet paper. Chester giggled and wrapped a piece of toilet paper around his eyes. He giggled again and waved his arms around while he pretended to be blind.

​"Can't see daddy!" he said with a laugh. Dave shook his head with a smile and finished untangling Chester. Chester sighed and let Dave pick him up. Dave carried him into the living room and set him on the couch where Mike was picking apart waffles. Apparently that was the breakfast. Brad smiled and gave Dave a plate to give to Chester. Dave handed the boy his plate and covered cup of milk. Chester smiled at him and started drinking his milk. Dave watched as his feet kicked gently and his eyes widened as he watched the show. Dave made himself a cup of coffee and sat down at the table. He watched Chester and Mike watch some show about animals.

​"Raffe!" Mike cried excitedly pointing at the screen. Chester giggled and clapped his hands together.

​"Want a giraffe!" Chester said with a smile. Brad laughed and then leaned down next to his ear.

​"Should we take them to the zoo?"

​"That is the best idea I have ever heard," Dave said with a grin as he sipped his coffee. The boys would love the zoo. "Chester come here."

​Chester hopped off the couch and then slid over on his stomach.

​"Look dad! I'm a snake!" Chester said with a smile. Dave laughed and lifted Chester up into his arms.

​"Do you want to go to the zoo buddy? See the animals?"

​"Yes!" Chester screamed as he bounced excitedly in Dave's arms. Dave laughed again. Chester was a great kid. Mike was excited as Brad had just broken the news to him.

​"How about you two go and get dressed?" Dave asked with a smile and he set Chester down on the ground. Chester ran over to Mike and dragged him out of the room. Rob followed the two boys into their bedroom to assist them if they needed help.

​"The zoo huh?" Joe asked with a laugh. Dave nodded.

​"Brad's idea. But it's a great one," Dave snickered. Rob emerged with two screaming and giggling boys. Chester was tugging on Rob's arm and Mike was clinging to his leg. They were really excited. Chester was in his jeans and a green t-shirt with a dinosaur on it and a baseball cap on his head. Mike had plastic sunglasses on and was smiling. They were so cute.

​"Alright should we get going?" Dave asked.

​"Yes!" Chester cried excitedly before running over to him. Dave glanced at Brad.

​"I don't know about that. Maybe we should wait," Brad said pretending to consider it. Mike shook his head.

​"No! Wanna go now!" Mike cried. Chester nodded his agreement. He looked so cute in his little baseball cap. He shook his head finally.

​"I think we should wait," Dave smiled and Chester screamed.


​"Alright let's stop teasing the boys," Rob laughed as he lifted Chester up off the ground. Mike tugged at Brad's leg and Brad picked him up. They were off once again. Chester and Mike were talking quietly with each other in the backseat.

​"Chester calls you dad at least twenty times a day," Rob smiled at him. Dave smirked.

​"Has he called you that yet?" Dave asked and Rob shook his head.

​"I don't mind. I feel like it's awkward."

​"It's not really," Dave smiled, "You'll get used to it."

​Joe was driving today on their way to the zoo and he put on some music for them to listen to. He heard Chester start laughing as Mike made monkey noises in the backseat. They were strange children. As they pulled up to the zoo, Chester started kicking the seat excitedly. They were so excited to go. They got out of the car and the troubles already started. Mike was too eager to get out and he lost his balance as he climbed out. He ended up landing on the ground and scraping his hands. While Brad was trying to get him to stop crying, Dave slowly lifted Chester out of the car. They paid to get inside and Mike immediately stopped crying. Dave set Chester down and Mike walked next to Brad as they started their way around the zoo. They went to their first animal. It wasn't anything big or exciting, just a couple of camels but the boys were enthralled.

​"Look Mikey! Camel!" Chester cried pointing at the animal. Dave lifted Chester up so he could see more. Mike looked around and started crying.

​"Why is it in a cage?" he whimpered. Brad bounced the boy in his arms but Dave had no explanation for it.

​"It likes being here," Brad managed and Mike shook his head.

​"No! In desert!"

​Chester tugged on Mike's arm, "Remember TV Mikey? Animals go to the zoo when they're rescued!"

​Mike sniffled but nodded and Dave ruffled Chester's hair. He'd saved the day. They began to walk around and soon both boys were enjoying themselves. Dave hadn't been to the zoo in a long time and it was quite enjoyable.


​"Birdie!" Mike cried excitedly as he raced after one of the peacocks that walked freely in the zoo. Chester giggled and tried to catch it as well.

​"Chester!" Dave called as he walked forward but Chester laughed again and tried to grab the bird again. Mike ran around trying to assist Chester in catching the bird.

​"Mike get over here right now," Brad said and Mike sighed but returned to Brad's side.

​"Chester come here," Dave said but Chester didn't listen. He'd run after the bird as he tried to catch it. Dave and Rob took off after their escaping boy. Mike squealed in excitement and Brad turned around to see a zookeeper bringing a bucket full of fruit towards them and the animal next to them. It was a monkey. He smiled slightly at them.

​"Hey there little guy, you want to help me?"

​Mike nodded excitedly and Brad and Joe followed the zookeeper to the door. They walked inside and Mike giggled quietly as the monkey came towards them. He walked right up to Mike and sniffed him and Mike shuddered but grinned.

​"Don't touch him though," the zookeeper said gently, "He might touch you."

​Mike nodded slightly as the monkey climbed up his leg and onto his shoulder. Brad noticed Joe taking thousands of pictures with his phone. The monkey sat on Mike's shoulder and then bit his hair. Mike laughed as the zookeeper set the bucket of fruit down and the monkey jumped off of him to go and eat. Brad picked the boy up and Mike giggled again. He was so cute.

​"Thanks little man. But it's time we go now," the zookeeper said and Brad nodded. They walked out of the feeding area and Mike sighed softly. Chester was staring at Mike with pure jealousy written all over his face. Mike smiled and Brad set the boy down so they could walk together. They continued their trek around the zoo and found themselves in the polar bear tunnel where the bear could swim over them.


​Chester was fascinated in here. The water covered them completely and seals swam right next to them. It was pretty cool but Chester was trying to touch the seal. He continued to press his hands against the glass, desperately trying to get the seal to come closer. And then it did. It swam right in front of him and looked at him with interest. Dave laughed softly as Chester giggled and tried to touch it again. It swam away and Chester watched it swim away. But that wasn't anything compared to his reaction when the polar bear swam up to him and his giant paw pressed on the glass in front of the boy. Chester was silent as he watched it swim and Dave lifted him up into his arms.

​"It's so big," Chester said softly. Dave nodded with a smile as he saw Mike watching the bear as well. They were in awe of the bear.

​"Ready to go?" Brad asked and Dave nodded. They led the two boys out of the tunnel and then over towards the next little area. Chester held onto his hand-he'd set him down again-as they looked in.

​"Kitty!" Chester exclaimed as he pointed at the tiger that was prowling around in the ditch below them. Dave laughed softly and nodded.

​"He's big isn't he?"

​Brad leaned over to him and grinned, "This was a good idea. They are having a great time."

​"Leave it to the expert."

​"You're an expert with kids?"

​"Yes I am," Dave said as he turned to see Chester climbing through the fence, "Oh fuck."

​"Wanna touch!" Chester cried excitedly as he hurried towards the edge. The boy would fall in. Chester lost his footing. Dave got the biggest burst of adrenaline he'd ever gotten. He vaulted the fence and managed to grab Chester as he was falling back into the ditch. Dave scooped the boy into his arms and realized that his heart was beating a mile a minute. He climbed back over the fence quickly and sighed softly before holding Chester against him.

​"Y-You can't go in there Chester," Dave managed, "That's dangerous."

​Chester looked at him but then rested his head on his shoulder and cried. Dave hoped that he hadn't upset him but he had been so scared for the boy. Chester could have gotten really hurt.

​"You could've gotten hurt Chester," Dave said softly, "Don't do that ever again."

​The rest of the guys were watching them in shock. He was still reeling from what had happened himself. Rob came over and took Chester from him and lifted him up into his arms. Dave sighed and calmed himself before nodding slightly.

​"I think it's time we go home," he said softly. Brad nodded and lifted Mike up who was crying now that Chester had almost been hurt. They carried their two crying boys out of the zoo. They buckled them into the backseat. Chester sighed and leaned against Mike who balanced his head on top of Chester's and closed his eyes. The two boys were asleep in an instant. Dave smiled slightly and then they drove home. When they got back to their hotel, Rob and Brad went into the kitchen area to cook the boys some dinner. They laid the two sleeping toddlers on the couch.

​"I honestly can't deal with this," Dave said quietly as they sat down in the living room with some dinner for themselves.

​"This is too much. Can't we just turn them back?" Joe asked.

​"I don't think so. But what....what if they don't ever turn back?" Rob asked softly.

​"That would be terrible," Brad said. Dave nodded slightly. If their two vocalists never turned back into their real adult forms, how would they perform? He walked over to where Chester had resorted to sucking on Mike's fingers instead of his own during his nap. He lifted the boy off the couch and bounced him gently.

​"I mean, this is adorable and all but I'm honestly starting to wonder what will happen if they don't turn back."

​Rob nodded in agreement and Dave felt Chester drool on his shoulder. The boy whimpered in his sleep and sighed softly. He smiled slightly. He almost regretted saying what he had. Chester was such a sweet little boy and so was Mike. They were great to have around.

​"Hey buddy," Dave said softly as he bounced Chester up again, "Come on. Time to get something to eat."

​Chester yawned and blinked sleepily at him. Brad was going to get Mike up and Dave tried to set Chester down in the chair but the boy wouldn't let go of him. He ended up giving Chester a bit to eat in his lap before carrying him around while he drank milk from a sippy cup.


​Brad sat with Mike at the table as Dave made laps around the little kitchen with Chester. He smiled as Mike stabbed his fork into potatoes and got frustrated when they jumped away. Eventually he threw his fork, which hit Dave who jumped in surprise causing Chester to drop his cup onto Rob's lap. The lid came off and spilled milk all over Rob's shirt and pants who leaped up in shock and kicked his chair back that knocked into Joe who was knocked off balance and fell on the couch. Mike started laughing hysterically and Brad couldn't help but feel a grin spread across his face too. It really had been extremely stupid. Chester started whining because he didn't have any more milk.

​"Funny," Mike snickered before picking up pieces of his potato and putting them in his mouth. Brad ruffled Mike's hair as Dave got Chester more milk. The other boy smiled happily as he got his hands on the next cup of milk and started to drink it slowly. His eyes slid shut in content. Brad shook his head with a smile before turning back to Mike who was drinking as well but he could do it without being carried around.

​"That was really awful," Rob said as he came back in with new clothes on since his others were pretty dirty now.

​"I thought it was pretty funny," Brad admitted. Dave laughed and shook his head.

​"It was the craziest thing ever. But I wish we'd captured it on camera."

​"I have an idea," Joe said with a smile before he ran off.

​"Oh no," Rob said. Mike finished eating during this time and started begging for cookies. A minute later Joe came out with his camera and grinned.

​"Here we go. Let's make an LPTV episode!"

​"Are you crazy!?"

​"Yes! Come on! They haven't gotten one for a long time!"

​Brad stared at Joe. This would mean that they'd be basically telling everyone that Chester and Mike were three year old boys. Hell, why not?

​"Yes sure," Brad said with a grin, "Why not?"

​"YES!" Joe grinned. He set the camera up and then walked out of the room. A minute later he came back, obviously giving dialogue.

​"Hey, so welcome to LPTV. Today is a very special episode. Hey Dave! Can you tell us why it's a special episode?"

​Dave turned around, still bouncing Chester in his arms who was drinking happily, "I feel like they're going to think this is an April Fool's prank in June."

​"That's not why today's episode is special!"

​Dave sighed, "Today's episode is special because Chester and Mike are.....well....they're not going to be....well they are....."

​Joe laughed before walking up to Dave and zooming in on Chester, "Hi Chester. Hey buddy, can you say hi to the camera for me?"

​Chester looked at him with confusion before smiling and having the milk in his mouth go down his chin and onto his shirt. Dave frowned slightly.

​"Great job Joe, now I have to change his shirt."

​"Hi!" Chester waved excitedly, "Hi! Hi! Hi!"

​Joe laughed and then moved over to where Mike was watching with interest. Chester continued to yell 'hi!' until Dave took him in the other room to change his shirt. But Brad was pretty sure he was still yelling 'hi!'

​"How about this little guy?" Joe asked with a grin, "Who are you buddy?"

​"I'm Mike and I am thwee!" Mike said proudly, "Not like Chesser. Chesser is a baby."

​Brad ruffled Mike's hair again and then gave him some crayons and paper so he could draw like he liked to do. A few minutes later, Dave came back in with Chester who was kicking his feet around, trying to look around.

​"Want down!" he said kicking again. Dave set Chester on the floor and Joe moved over to videotape him. Chester crawled around on the floor on his stomach until he hid under the table where Joe couldn't see him. Mike was getting up and walking over too because he wanted to be in the camera.

​"Mike Shinoda and Chester Bennington from Linkin Park my good fans. We're not even sure how this happened but this is the reason we had to cancel the shows. We're not telling you where we're staying because we are not letting strangers handle our boys. As soon as they.....well....we'll let you know as soon as the concerts start up again."

​"Chester come here," Dave said and Chester crawled out and pulled himself around the floor on his stomach, giggling about how the rug felt against it.

​"Tickles," he laughed as Dave picked him up. Mike waved at the camera again.

​"What else should we show them?" Joe asked, "Mike? How about you show them your giant bear."

​"My giant bear," Chester said pointedly.

​"Mine!" Mike argued back.

​"No it's not. It's mine! My bear!" Chester cried.

​"No. The big bear is mine! You have little bear because you are a little baby!"

​Chester screamed and Dave set him down because otherwise, he was going to fall out of his arms. Chester pushed Mike who landed hard on his butt. The three year old whimpered but stood up and shoved Chester who didn't just land on his butt, but hit his head on the floor too.

​"Joe, I think it's time you stop filming," Brad called as he got up to go pick Mike up. Chester was crying about his head hurting. Dave scooped him up and sighed before rocking him in his arms. Mike was sitting quietly in his arms and Brad felt the boy go limp after about five minutes. Five minutes later, he and the other three band members stood in the doorway of the bedroom, looking down at their sweet little vocalists, wrapped up in blankets and laying in the lap of a giant teddy bear.

​"What the actual fuck," Rob muttered as he shook his head, "It still makes no sense."

​"Guys. YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, everything is blowing up," Joe said with a laugh, "They all believe it's Chester and Mike. They say that the blonde boy has Chester's eyes and smile and energy and the slightly Asian one has Mike's sophistication and intelligence level. They really think it's them."

​"It's because it is them," Dave said with a smile.

​"They all think it's adorable."

​Brad laughed, "Because it is."

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