Wednesday: Doctor's Office

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​"Mike, you have to go. Chester's going to."
​"NO DON'T MAKE ME GO!" Mike screamed as he hid under the covers of the bed. Brad looked at Joe who had a hand to his head.

​"I don't know what to do," Joe admitted. Mike was curled into a ball under the covers and was shaking.

​"Ok, you pull the covers off and I'll lift him up," Brad whispered. Joe nodded and the two of them got onto each side of the bed. Joe grabbed the edge of the covers and then tugged them back. Mike screamed and kicked his feet, trying to get them away from him. Brad managed to pick Mike up. The boy was wearing his little white onesie pajamas with the monkeys and bananas on them. He was cute like this.

​"Come on Mike, you gotta get up," Joe said as Brad carried him at an arm's length to avoid the boy's flailing arms. Mike apparently realized that complaining wasn't going to get him anywhere so he started crying instead. Brad looked at Joe who shook his head and then sat down at the table. They managed to get Mike to eat some Cheerios before he started crying once again and wouldn't get dressed.


​"Yes you are."

​"NO!" Mike screamed as he tried to hide in the blankets again. Joe lifted him up and together, somehow, they managed to get Mike into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt with a car on it. Mike kicked as he tried to get out of his socks and shoes but Brad got those on as well. Finally Mike was too exhausted to keep fighting so he resorted to crying and hoping the pity factor would work. It was horrible to watch but Joe and Brad managed to pick him up and get him to the door. He saw Dave and Rob bringing Chester out of the room. He was wearing tiny converse shoes and jeans with a blue shirt that had an elephant on the corner. He looked so cute. He was quiet but he was clutching his teddy bear tightly. Mike on the other hand was crying his eyes out. Brad tried to get Mike to stop crying but the boy wouldn't stop.

​"Does Mike not want to go to the doctor's?" Dave asked with a small smile.

​"How could you tell?" Brad asked sarcastically. Mike kicked his feet angrily at Brad and continued to cry. Chester stood in silence and clutched Dave's hand and his bear in his other hand. They took the two boys down to the car. Chester seemed to be feeling better. Brad buckled Mike into the car and then tucked the blanket that Mike would never leave at home, around him. Chester sat next to him in silence.

​"Is Chester feeling better?" Joe asked and Dave nodded.

​"Yea. He got better last night after he threw up. He ate some soup and drank some more water and he felt a little better that he wasn't crying so he went to sleep."

​"That's good," Brad said and Dave nodded with a smile.

​"I was glad it wasn't anything too bad."

​Their conversation was cut off when Mike let out a pitiful wail from the backseat. Brad sighed.

​"What do I say to him?"

​"I don't know. Kids don't like doctors. It's not my fault."

​"Mike, just relax. Nothing bad is going to happen to you," he said. Mike sobbed into his blanket and hid his face. Chester sat still and quiet.

​"Is Chester scared?" Brad asked softly. Dave gave him a look.

​"The kid's terrified. He hasn't said a word since I told him we were going."

​"Oh. So that's his way of being afraid."

​"Yep. Apparently he thinks that if he's mute, we won't make him go to the doctor's office."

​They pulled up to the doctor's office and got out of the car. Chester climbed slowly out of the car and raised his hands to be picked up. Mike on the other hand had to be dragged out of the car. He was screaming and crying and trying to do anything that might get him to stay in the car. He grabbed onto the seats and kicked Brad's hands away. He even attempted to climb into the front seats but that was when Brad was able to grab him and lift him up.

​"NO! NO! NO!" Mike screamed as they got him out of the car.

​"This is slightly embarrassing," Joe said as Mike kicked and screamed. Chester had his head buried into Dave's shoulder and wasn't moving. Dave rubbed his back. Mike's crying echoed around the parking lot as they walked to the doors. Once they got inside, the only thing Brad could hear was Mike's crying. He needed to at least cry quieter. It seemed to happen though. Mike got quieter as they entered the building. But that was because Chester had finally started up.

​"Oh no, no, Chester, it's ok," Dave said quietly as he bounced the little boy in his arms, "It's ok. Don't be scared."

​They walked to the children's waiting room and Rob and Joe went to sign in their kids while Brad and Dave brought their sobbing boys to the chairs. There weren't many other people in the waiting room. Chester sat in Dave's lap and had tears on his cheeks but he had stopped whimpering and was sucking on his bear's ear again. Mike was still crying. Mike did not want to be here.

​"'re going to be fine. There's nothing to be afraid of," Brad said rubbing the boy's back.

​Rob came over by Dave and smiled down at Chester, "Can I see your bear?"

​Chester shook his head.

​"Just for a second. I'll give it right back," Rob said. Chester slowly handed him the bear and Rob took it, "What's his name?"

​"He doesn't have one," Chester said quietly. Rob smiled and then poked Chester in the stomach. Chester giggled and squirmed in Dave's arms as Rob started to tickle him. Chester was giggling and trying hard to escape the hands but he couldn't.

​"Stop!" Chester laughed, "Can't breathe!"

​Rob stopped tickling him. Mike had watched the exchange with interest and wasn't crying at the moment. Chester was giggling still and he grabbed his bear from Rob.

​"You took my bear because you wanted to do that!" Chester giggled. Mike was quiet and watching with interest.

​"Chester Bennington and Mike Shinoda?" the voice asked. Some people looked up at the recognition of those names but when they didn't see them, they looked away uninterested. Dave carried a shaking Chester in his arms while Mike started crying again.

​"Alright," the nurse said with a smile, "Who wants to go first?"

​Mike cried out in fear and buried into Brad's shirt as if he could somehow get away.

​"Chester? Do you want to be a big boy and go first so Mike can see that there's nothing to be afraid of?" Rob asked softly.

​Chester whimpered but Brad saw him gently kick Dave's leg. They set Chester on the ground and the little boy looked up at the nurse who smiled at him.

​"Alright Chester, if you will, can you take off your shirt, shoes, and pants for me?"


​Dave watched Chester take his pants and shirt off and then kick off his shoes. He stood there shaking in his underwear.

​"Ok Chester come with me. Since you're being so good, your dad can come too," the nurse said. Chester reached his hand out to grab his hand. Dave took the little boy's hand and they walked out of the room. Chester shivered next to him.

​"How old are you Chester?" the nurse asked.

​"Th-three," Chester stuttered.

​"Oh you're a big boy aren't you? Come here and hop up on the scale there," she said. Chester let go of Dave's hand and stood on the scale. Dave watched as he let the nurse take his weight and then his height.

​"Alright Chester come here and sit down on the chair."

​Chester hopped off the scale and sat down in the chair. She wrapped a cuff around his arm.

​"What's gonna happen to me?" he asked.

​"Nothing. This is just going to tighten around your arm to make sure your blood pressure is good," the nurse said. Chester nodded and whimpered quietly as it started to squeeze his arm. Dave took Chester's little hand in his and let him squeeze his hand.

​"Good job. Alright we're going back to the room now ok?"

​Chester nodded and then walked back to the room, still holding Dave's hand. Another nurse came in and smiled at him before turning to Mike.

​"Alright little guy, it's your turn."

​Mike started crying again and he wouldn't let go of Brad. Brad started talking to Mike softly. Chester was watching the other boy before walking over and taking Mike's hand.

​"It's ok Mikey. It doesn't hurt," Chester said, "They do funny things with your arm."

​Dave smiled as Mike looked up at Chester with tears still in his eyes. Chester smiled at him and Mike slowly climbed off of Brad's lap and got his clothes off. Brad, Mike, and the other nurse left.

​"Do you want to climb up here Chester?" the nurse asked. Chester smiled slightly and let Dave pick him up so he could sit down on the table. Dave laughed softly as he saw Chester clap his hands together. The doctor came in and Chester jumped in surprise.

​"Hello Chester, how are you?"

​"G-Good," Chester shivered and reached out his hand. Dave smiled slightly as he took it.

​"Mr. Farrell, Mr. Bourdon, I am Doctor McAndrew."

​"Hello," Dave said nodding a greeting.

​"Ok Chester we're just going to go quick ok? Just do as I say and it'll be over before you know it," he said. Chester nodded and squeezed Dave's hand tighter. The doctor listened to his heart and made him take breaths to hear his lungs. He did his eyes, his nose, his ears, and his mouth. Chester looked so small sitting up there. He sniffled quietly and Dave could tell he was still afraid.

​"It's alright. Now can you lay down for me?" McAndrew said quietly. Chester slowly laid down and closed his eyes. Dave grinned slightly as the boy started to giggle when the doctor felt his stomach to make sure that nothing felt wrong there. Chester got to sit up and he smiled at Dave.

​"Alright then. A nurse will come in to do the blood test and give him his flu shot for the upcoming winter and that'll be all."

​Chester jumped at the word 'shot' and he clung to Dave shaking his head, "Don't want a shot."

​"Thank you doctor. I assume you'll be back soon since Mike is being checked up too?"

​"Yes I will be."

​Chester whimpered when he left, "Don't want a shot."

​"It's ok Chester. Oh you did so well. It doesn't even hurt that much," Dave said rubbing his back. Chester nodded and pulled his jeans and t-shirt on. He sniffled and Dave lifted him into this arms. He walked around the room trying to get the movement to comfort the little boy. The nurse arrived a minute later.

​"Ok Chester. Are you ready?"

​Chester shook his head and clung to Dave tighter.

​"It'll be ok. Your dad can even hold your hand the whole time. And you don't have to watch. You can hold your bear."

​Chester nodded and Dave set him on the table. Chester held his bear tightly and Dave held onto his arm as the nurse wiped a little spot on his finger.

​"I'm going prick your finger ok? It'll just hurt for a split second," she said. Chester nodded and bit down on his bear's ear. Dave rubbed his arm soothingly. Chester whimpered as they got closer to his finger and he jumped slightly when they pricked him but then he was ok. He shivered as they took a blood sample but then he waited for them to put the band aid on. Dave smiled at him and just because he'd had to do this with his daughters a ton of times, kissed the boy on the head.

​"Almost done Chester. Almost done," he said. Chester bit down on the bear's ear harder as the nurse wiped his arm and then started to give him the shot. Chester whimpered and tears started to run down his cheeks. Dave smiled slightly as it was over and the nurse put a bandage on his arm.

​"You're all done. Good job Chester," the nurse said with a smile. Chester sniffled and then Dave picked him up and held him tightly. Chester had done great. Now they would have to wait for Mike. He was still over at the other area and Dave wondered if he was causing trouble. The doctor came in and waited for Mike.

​"So is Chester ok?" Dave asked. McAndrew looked over at him and flipped open his files.

​"He's healthy. A little underweight but not enough to cause any issues. He's doing fine for a three year old," McAndrew said. Dave nodded. Of course Chester would be underweight. He was skinny as anything. Chester hugged him and snuggled into his chest. He smiled down at the little boy and let him sit in his lap. Mike came in a second later. Oh boy.


​To say that Mike misbehaved was an understatement. To say that it took ten minutes to get him to stand on the scale was an understatement. Mike was the worst kid to ever take to the doctor's office. The nurse sighed as she led them back to the room. Mike was clinging to his hand. They walked in and Brad saw Chester was sitting on Dave's lap with a smile on his face. He had a bandage on his finger and his arm. Oh great they were poking the kids. Mike would freak.

​"Hello Mike," the doctor said, "I'm Doctor McAndrew and I'm just going to take a look at you and make sure you're healthy."

​"Go on Mike," Brad said softly. Mike shook his head and leaned back against his legs. He held on tightly to his leg and wouldn't let go. Mike whimpered and shook his head again.

​"Don't want," he said quietly. Chester giggled as Dave bounced him on his leg. It was dead silent and then Brad couldn't deal with it. He lifted Mike up and set him on the table. Mike gasped and shook his head again.

​"No, no, no!" he cried as tears filled his eyes again.

​"Mike, it's going to be fine. He won't hurt you," Brad said softly. The doctor took a step forward and then Mike was scrambling back on the table and trying to hide in the wall. Chester hopped off of Dave's lap and then climbed up on the table next to Mike. He put an arm around Mike who was crying and shaking his head.

​"I don't want to. I don't wanna," Mike said as Chester hugged him.

​"I'll hold your hand ok Mikey?" Chester asked softly, "He's nice."

​Mike shook his head again, "No. Don't want to."

​"Mikey pwease. I'm tired," Chester said yawning and rubbing his eyes. Mike looked at Chester who was rubbing his eyes and sniffling. He slowly sat up on the table and nodded slowly.

​"O-Ok," Mike said quietly. McAndrew nodded and then stepped forward again and went through the basic stages. Mike was shaking the entire the time but eventually Chester started to cry because he was exhausted and that made Mike stay on the table until the doctor was done with his exam.

​"Alright. Just two more little things and you'll be done," McAndrew said a few minutes later. The nurse came in with the shot and the finger prick and Mike literally screamed. He screamed and started to cry again.

​"No shot! No shot!" he cried as he sat there. Brad moved over next to him and took his hand.

​"Mike, it'll be fine ok. Just look at me and you won't even know that it's happening," Brad said and Mike stared up at him with wide brown eyes. Brad put a hand on his trembling back and smiled.

​"What do you want to do when you get home today?"

​"I'm hungry," Mike said softly and then he flinched, "Oww."

​"See not that bad," the nurse smiled at Mike and patted his head, "Just one more ok?"

​Mike sniffled and then nodded. He looked over at Chester who was in Dave's arms crying quietly because he couldn't go to sleep yet. Brad watched as Mike didn't even have a reaction to getting a shot because he was watching Chester.

​"Alright you're all done," the nurse said ruffling Mike's hair, "Not that bad was it?"

​Mike shook his head and then reached up for Brad to lift him up. Brad smiled and lifted the crying boy into his arms. Dave got up with Chester and they walked to the desk to check out. Chester was sleeping in Dave's arms. Mike walked next to him and looked around while he wiped his nose.

​"Do you want a sticker?" the lady asked Mike at the desk. Mike nodded and smiled when he got a sticker with a whale on it.

​"Chesser wants one too!" he said pointing at the sleeping boy in Dave's arms.

​"Don't worry Mike," Dave smiled, "I got his already. I'll give it to him when he wakes up."

​Mike nodded and then tugged on Brad's sleeve to let him know he wanted to be carried as well. They made their way out to the car and Brad buckled Mike into the seat. Dave put Chester in his seat too. Mike scooted over and snuggled up next to Chester who was sleeping soundly. They drove back to the hotel and Brad found himself worn out as well. Dave yawned as he pulled into the driveway. Rob pulled Chester out of the car and cradled him in his arms. Joe did the same with Mike even though Mike was awake. They walked up to their room and Chester woke up when they were partly there. He started crying until Dave gave him his teddy bear. He put the ear in his mouth like he always did. Mike opened the door to their room and then smiled as they got inside. He ran and jumped on the couch.

​"Chesser! Come on and watch tv!" Mike called excitedly. Chester was still snuggled in Rob's arms so Rob put him down on the couch next to Mike who hugged him tightly and then turned the tv on. Brad sighed and sat down in the chair at the table. Dave was cooking microwaveable macaroni and cheese for the two boys.

​"So I think we should take them to the park tomorrow," Dave smiled, "I mean, they need to get out of the house."

​"That's true. I like the idea," Joe nodded. Brad agreed. It would be good to get them out of the house. Chester would probably love it. Dave pulled the macaroni and cheese out of the microwave and got two spoons.

​"Boys! Mike! Chester! Come here and eat," Dave called. Mike came bouncing into the kitchen and sat down. Chester trudged after him with his bear. They started to eat. Was something up with Chester?

​"Might want to check out Chester. He looks upset," Brad leaned over to Dave. Dave nodded slightly and smiled.

​"I'll check it out."


​It was night and Dave laid Chester down in bed. Chester sighed and searched for his bear. Dave waited until Chester was cozy under his blanket before putting a hand on his shoulder.

​"Are you ok Chester?" he asked. Chester looked at him with his shining eyes.

​"Mike is brave."


​"He did not cry when they gave him the shot."

​"So you think that makes him braver than you?" Dave asked quietly. Chester nodded.

​"He is better than me."

​"Oh Chester, don't think that. You're a great little boy."

​Chester sniffled, "Really?"

​"Yes. Really. Now how about you close your eyes? We're going to the park tomorrow would you like that?"

​Chester nodded with a small smile and then bit down on his bear. Dave looked at him for a minute and smiled. He couldn't believe that Chester was so young now.

​"Tell me a story?" Chester asked as he sucked on the bear's ear. Dave laughed softly.

​"I don't have any stories to tell you," Dave said softly, "How about you think of a story and I'll tell you it tomorrow ok?"

​"Ok," Chester whispered before closing his eyes and burying his face into the bear's fur while he put his finger in his mouth. Dave still couldn't believe that a lot of things that Chester did were more baby-related. The finger sucking and biting of his toys. The kicking when he drank when someone was holding him. He seemed a lot younger than three. Maybe he just did have habits as a kid that had gone on longer than they should've. Whatever it was, Dave didn't mind. Chester was so sweet. He was wrapped up in his dinosaur pajamas and his blonde hair was short. It was like he was seeing the tiniest version of adult Chester.

​"You know Chester," Dave said softly to the sleeping boy, "You are so sweet right now. It doesn't even feel like you were ever an adult. It just feels like you're a kid that needs someone to take care of you."

​Rob walked in, "Talking to the sleeping baby again?"

​"Oh shut up."

​"You know he thinks of you like his dad."

​"I know. But it's just weird. He's really twenty three Rob. He decreased in age by twenty years. It just doesn't make sense."

​"You should sleep. You've been waking up all the time to check on our little Chester."

​"Now it sounds like we're married," Dave said rolling his eyes.

​Rob laughed, "Shut up. Get some sleep. I'll watch Chester for a little while."

​"Ok," Dave agreed as he walked over to the bed. Chester would be alright with Rob around. Rob would make sure that if Chester woke up crying, he'd be ok in a few minutes. Besides, Rob was right. He did need some sleep.

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