Harry's Bathroom Emergency

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Harry's POV:

Louis's friends had just moved closer into town and near us and to celebrate we had gone and hung out with them. They knew me and Lou were together but I had never met them. Just pop into conversation a bit whenever Louis would chat with them. However today I finally met them, very nice little house and they're quite nice in person as well. Definitely Louis's friends though. I've been with Lou for a bit of time now, thus seeing a lot of different versions of him. But I'd never seen this version of him. Very Doncaster. They had made a lovely chicken dish and some curry. Lovely dinner.

Afterwords, we all got ourselves a beer and were then sitting outside on their porch enjoying the evening. Louis was playfully cursing and laughing, having a real good time. And also talking about us and our relationship. I piped in and said some stuff as well, laughing and making a few jokes. They were very nice to hangout with. After drinking said beer I excused myself to the bathroom to pee.

Once I had made it in there my stomach felt a little off. I did my business and then went back outside. My stomach didn't feel terrible but it didn't feel 100% either. It was a little painful and gurgly, but nothing major.

Louis's POV

I was really enjoying my friends company. I had missed seeing them in real life and it was nice to finally have them meet Harry. However, as the clock rolled around to 10 I decided to call it a night. We all got up and went back inside their house, throwing away our cans and saying goodbye. "Yeah, yeah! We-we'll have to do this again soon." I said, playfully punching him in the arm. "Yeah, I mean, that's why we're closer!" I laughed and hugged him. Harry shook his hand saying a 'nice to meet you too' before putting his jacket on walking towards the door. I grabbed our bag of leftovers that they had packed for us, and exited their house. "Later mates!" I shouted as I got in the passenger seat and shut the door.

Harry's POV

My stomach had gotten more upset the longer we had been there. I just wanted to get home and either cuddle up to Louis on the couch or get in bed and sleep this off. However, as we began to drive on the road home, that was enough to jolt my stomach and I needed the toilet. I began to feel cold sweats which, under a jacket, even a light one, is not a great feeling. My stomach cramped and churned the more I held it in, but there wasn't much I could do. We made it to the first stop light. Now that I wasn't moving at all my stomach felt worse. I tapped on the steering wheel continuasly while I waited for the light to turn green. Louis meanwhile, was oblivious to my condition.

He sighed, "that was nice. I missed seeing them in person." He said, the light had turned green and we continued. To my recollection there's only three stoplights and two turns on this drive. Just two more to go.

"And they have a lovely home." I nodded, trying to engage in conversation. My one goal in my brain was to get home, but I also had to focus on driving so I was not in the mindset of conversation.

"And it was really nice for them to be able to meet you." "Mhm," I said, trying to sound enthusiastic but I probably also sounded a little agitated. I couldn't tap the wheel anymore so I resorted to biting my lip. It was only like a 10 minute drive but that seemed really long and I was getting more and more desperate. Second light, this one with a turn. I went back to tapping on the wheel, picking up my pace. I was anxiously fidgeting to put it bluntly.

"You okay?" I heard Louis ask, he probably saw me snap my head to look out the window and then quickly turn it back. All while still rapidly tapping my finger. "Hm? Yeah, fine." I reply, looking back at the window and then looking at the light. Turn green damn it.

"You sure... " "Yeah. Fine." I reply shortly, my 'yeah' being breathy because of my frustration. "Why are you asking?" Louis paused, "well you seem a little agitated and quiet." I sighed, the light finally turning green. "I'm just tired and want to get home. That's all." I could tell Louis was still skeptical but he left it at that.

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