Its started (Larry fanfic)

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Okay so, I know this makes literally no sense, without any other context. But other context will come later, I'm going to write this idea now while I have it. For slight context, Louis and Harry now have a daughter. Don't ask me why, just read the story.

Lizzy woke up around 9 which, being a teenager, was not normal for her to do. She had a dull pain in her stomach area, although they also felt different from sick stomach cramps. She sighed and wrapped her arms around her abdomen before rolling over and trying to fall back asleep.

Harry and Louis got up around 10ish and had a lovely breakfast of pancakes that Harry made. They would have gotten Lizzy up to eat them as well but since the previous day was Friday they figured she was up late and needed the rest. However, as the clock rolled around to noon, they got a little suspicious.

Lizzy was woken up again by the pain and decided she might try and use the bathroom. So she got up, slightly hunched over, and made her way into the bathroom that was in the hallway.
Although she was met with quite a surprise that was not at all what she thought it was.

Louis looked at the clock once more and sighed. "I'm gonna go check on her," he said to Harry, patting his thigh as he got up. Upon climbing up the stairs he saw that the bathroom door was closed. He figured she had just gotten up so he turned around to go back downstairs until he heard her call. "Daaaad?" Lizzy called out, prolonging the A.

Louis walked back up to the door and put his head next to it. "Liz? You okay?" He asked. Lizzy hesitated for a moment, she wasn't sure how to tell anyone this. "Oh, hey dad L. I-I um-" Louis's eyebrows lowered in confusion.

"Liz? What's up baby? spit it out."
There was another pause, "um-I-I need things." Louis paused for a minute, that wasn't a lot of context.
"like what bub?" He asked. Lizzy was beyond embarrassed, she knew it was normal but like, come on!
"I-um--I started." She knew it was normal but she was a little freaked, out there was so much... blood.

Louis was still very confused,
"you what?" Lizzy didn't know how else to explain it and she was getting frustrated. "M-my period! I don't know, I'm bleeding and my stomach hurts!" Well hearing that made Louis's heart rate rise. He vaguely remembered shit about that from school so his next best thing without freaking out was to go get Harry.

"Hey. Is everything okay?" Louis just stood by the couch, eyes a little wide and stuck in shock.
"Li--Liz needs you." Was all Louis was able to say before he sat down on the couch, staring blankly at the wall.
Confused and slightly concerned Harry went up the stairs to the bathroom, seeing as the door was shut and she was most likely in there.
"Liz?" He asked, hearing light crying.
"Baby what's wrong?" Liz pulled herself together hearing her Dad's voice. "I-I um, I think I've started. There's so much blood." Harry was a little taken aback hearing that but that was only because he knew his daughter was growing up.
"Okay baby it's okay, stay calm. Do you need stuff?" "Y-yes." "Okay," Harry pitifully responded,
"do you want to stay in there while I go get them or do you want to come and wait in your room?" He kept a nice calm tone the entire time, making sure his daughter knew this was perfectly normal.
"Well I can't put these back on. I'm gonna... bleed in them!" Harry silently laughed to himself, "well you can put some toilet paper in them.." There was a pause, "okay." "Okay?" "okay." He smiled, "alright, you do that I'll be back as soon as I can." He went back down stairs and grabbed his keys and wallet. "Hey love? I'm gonna run to the corner shop and get Liz some stuff. I take it you already know." Louis was still a little pale and staring blankly at the TV. "Uh huh." Harry nearly laughed at his husband as well and then left the house. Lizzy had shut her bedroom door once she left the bathroom and got back in her bed. Trying to calm herself down.

*************time skip**************

"Liz? Can I come in?" She heard her Dads voice from the other side. She replied yes and Harry slowly opened the door with a bag in hand. "'s it going?" Lizzy just shrugged, it was going as well as it can when your on your period.
"Okay, well, I got you some of these," Harry said, pulling out a box of some weird looking half diaper thing.
"Diapers? Wait, what?" Lizzy was very confused and it made Harry laugh. "No love, pads. They go in your underwear to soak up your, y'know." Harry opened the box and took one out to show her. "Okay so you unwrap it, then you take the pad from its paper and place it in your underwear, okay?" Lizzy nodded to show she was following. "Right. Then you take these two little things and wrap them under. They sort of look like wings. You can keep these in your bathroom and you might want to put a few in your book bag or have a separate little bag to take to school and outside with you. We can go shop for one tomorrow if you'd like. Find one you enjoy, I'm over due for a new bag anyway." That made Lizzy laugh a little and Harry was glad to see her smile. "Alright well, you take these," he said, patting the box, "and come downstairs when you're ready." Lizzy smiled and got up from her bed, box in hand. "Oh! And I got you these," he pulled out a little medicine bottle. "Just some ibuprofen for your pain. Take one every 8 hrs if you need it." He handed her the bottle then left her room while she headed back to the bathroom. By following her Dads simple instructions she had no problem getting herself taken care of.

Louis noticed Harry come back into the living room, sitting down next to him. He was still weirded out but managed to calm himself down a bit, remembering it was completely normal. "Hey. Is she... okay?" He asked, concerned for his daughter. "Yep all good. Got her everything she needs, she should be down in a few." Louis nodded, "good, good." Harry noticed something was off, "are you okay?" "Yeah, yeah. Just, I don't know, I feel bad." Harry was slightly confused, "why?"

Louis sighed, "it's just, I don't know, I feel like I should know at least a little bit more about this to be able to help. I mean, fuck, I have four sisters and I know shit." Harry wrapped his arms around Louis. "Aw babe," Harry said sympathetically. "I guess I was just never as curious as you were." Harry chuckled, "yeah I was a pretty curious lad, but my mum, she just wanted me to know for my future. Girlfriends and what not." Louis nodded in response, "I mean, clearly not girlfriends but y'know what I mean." Harry stated, gay humor was one of their things. "Well it certainly paid off. Jesus. She's growing up." Harry sighed, "yes she is." They heard feet enter the room and Lizzy sat down next to Harry.

"All good?" He asked one more time, just to make sure. "Yep. Thanks." Harry smiled, and Louis grabbed the remote. "Shall we watch a movie or something?" They both nodded and so Louis began to look at the options.
"Dad?" Lizzy looked up at Harry, "hm" "were you a girl in your past life?" That made Louis and Harry laugh. "No sweetheart I don't think so. Why?" Lizzy shrugged, "I don't know, I'm just currious as to how you know so much. You know more then me!" Harry chuckled a little bit, "well first off you're only 13, so I have been around longer then you," Lizzy rolled her eyes. "But secondly," he looked down at Louis and then back to her,
"I think I was just raised right." Lizzy smiled and rested her head against him, "well, I'm glad I was put in the right family."

1,418 words. Wow. Again, there will be more stories with Lizzy in the future. But this just popped into my head because it was really sweet. Harry would definitely be the more feminine roll of the relationship so this was a really sweet. Thanks for reading😁💚💙

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