Mother's Day! ---Larry Family fic

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Sunday Mornings are typically pretty peaceful.

Which is why when Louis checks his phone and sees it's nearly 8 he is completely confused.

And upon looking next to him, he sees his husbands back rising and falling in a steady rhythm.

So why on earth does he hear clatter in the kitchen??

He sighs heavily, contemplating while looking at the ceiling if he really wants to/should get up.

Eventually he does get up, throwing on a shirt, and going downstairs.

"No Lols, the shell doesn't go in-"

"What are you lot doin'?" Louis asks as he enters the kitchen with slightly squinted eyes.

Lizzie finished throwing the eggshells into the trash and moved to the sink.

Louis examined the kitchen, seeing papertowels on the floor, a bowl on the counter, a measuring cup next to it filled with a powder of some kind, and a pan on the stove.

He wiped a hand over his eyes and face, trying to wake himself up a bit more to comprehend what was happening.

"You guys only make breakfast on special events..." Louis whispered to himself, "wait, did I miss a special event?!"

Lizzie chuckled, "No, not exactly."

Louis was really confused now.

"So you guys are just...down 8 in the morning...making breakfast?"

Lizzie snickered again, "No..."

Louis looked at his eldest with a raised eyebrow, silently asking what the hell was going on.

Lizzie nodded her head towards Lola who was stood right next to her.

"It's Mothers Day!" Lola exclaimed in a 'you should know this'  kind of tone.

"Right..." Louis said curriously.

"Daddy Louuu," Lola playfully whined, "Daddy H is Mummy!"

Louis instantly smiled, glancing up and locking eyes with his eldest, she was just too cute sometimes.

His eldest gave a shrug and smiled.

"You're right, bug. Daddy H is Mummy. Are you making breakfast for him?" Louis asked gently, squating to the little girls eye level.

"Yeah!" Lola responded proudly.

"Right'o! Do you want some help?"

Lizzie silently pleaded with her eyes, Louis smiling as he tried not to laugh and nodded.

"Alright. Let's get to it!" Louis exclaimed, standing back up and walking over to the counter.

"And hopefully not burn the kitchen down. That would not be a very good Mother's Day gift." He continued, earning a chuckle from both his daughters.

By the time they finished, after lots of laughing, messes to clean up, and a few burnt to a crisp pancakes, they had a decent enough breakfast set out on a tray ready to head upstairs.

A stack of pancakes, an egg, some ham, some hashbrowns, and a glass of orange juice.

Louis may have snagged a photo as it was one of the best meals he'd ever cooked.

Lizzie held the tray while Lola followed and Louis opened the doors for them, making their way to his and Harry's shared bedroom.

Once Louis quietly opened their door, he saw Harry against the headboard reading his book.

"Happy Mother's Day Daddy H!" Lola shouted, immediately running and jumping onto their bed.

"Well Good Morning to you too, Lols!" Harry said cheerfully, smiling at her and then glancing at the door where his husband was stood leaning against the frame and his eldest was walking towards him with a tray.

"Here you go," Lizzie said as she placed the tray on his lap.

"Breakfast?" Harry chuckled, looking up at Louis for a hint of any kind.

"It was all them." He said simply, holding his hands up in surrender.

"Why did you girls make me breakfast?" Harry asked, looking at both of them.

"Becauseee," Lola said in the same tone from when Louis asked earlier, she couldn't believe they both were this dumb.

"It's Mother's Day!"

Harry smiled confusedly, glancing back over to his husband.

"You're their Mum." Louis said with a shrug of his left shoulder.

Harry's face changed immediately, one of pure adoration and softness as he looked back at the little girl who was sat on their bed by his knees and his eldest who was definitely growing up.

Harry opened his arms immediately, the littlest scooting up to reach and his eldest leaning over.

Louis was still stood by the door, he couldn't believe all three of the beautiful people before him were his.

Harry glanced up at him expectedly, Louis rolling his eyes playfully and walking over to join the group hug.

Harry was beyond lucky to have these sweet, amazing people in his life.

It doesn't matter if he's Dad, if they see him as Mum, well...

"I see nothing wrong with that."

Oh my god I love these little family fics. I do get my ideas from Bluey, I'm not gonna lie, but still they're so cute!! Also, my one phrase I constantly say is "Harry is Mother." So I also kind of took from that idea.

Anyway, Happy Mother's Day to the Mom's out there, no matter what your gender is. If you're Mom, you're Mom. 💚💙💚💙💚💙

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