Girl Greenie ♡

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The first thing she heard when she woke up was the sound of metal clanging together. The sound rung in her ears for a moment before she tried standing. She fell right back down and looked around her. It was dark so she couldn't see much, but she did see she was in a huge box. The box seemed to be moving up. She looked to her side and saw a crate with letters imprinted on the side of it.


She didn't know why, but the letters felt familiar. Not in a good way. More like a warning. She wondered why she was there. Was she being punished for something? The clanging of the metal started to hurt her ears. She covered them with her hands and closed her eyes. Maybe this was all just a horrible nightmare she would laugh about later. Suddenly, the box came to a halt. The top of the box peeled apart and she looked up, squinting as the sun peered it's light onto her. She then saw about a dozen heads poking over into the box. She couldn't make out any features, but she thought they had to have been the people who put her in this damn box. She backed away in a corner and she heard a voice speak. The voice had an accent, British maybe.

"I-it's..a girl.."

She heard gasps and whispering and then the boy jumped down in the box. She got a better look at the boy. He was a blonde, skinnier person. He had dirt and grime covering his face and sweat glazing his forehead. His attire was dirty too, having a long sleeved shirt on that presumably used to be white, with buttons at the collar. He slowly approached her and she backed away further.

"S-Stay away! P-Please..."

Her eyes were wide and full of fear. Confusion. The boy gave her a small smile and stuck his hand out.

"Don't worry, we're not gonna hurt you. I'm Newt. Do you know your name?"

The girl smiled a bit, trusting him a tad more. She stuck her hand out to his, opening her mouth. To her surprise, she didn't know. She didn't know her own name. Her smile faded and her eyes narrowed with confusion.

"I...I don't..know.."

Why didn't she know her name? Where was she? Who was she? Her questions were cut short when Newt pulled her up gently to her feet.

"That's alright. You will in a few days. For now, let's get you out of this box, yeah?"

She nodded and Newt helped her out of the box. She looked around to see a circle of males. That's when panic set in. That's why Newt sounded so surprised to see a girl. What were they going to do with her? What were they going to do to her? She heard whispers among them.

"Woah! Shuck.."
"She's cute."

She could only think to do one thing. Run.


So she ran. She sprinted past the circle and ran. She stopped for a moment and looked around. She saw four big concrete walls surrounding the grassy area. She saw trees, what seemed to be huts, and then she saw an opening. Without thinking anymore about it she darted towards it. She heard yells from behind.

"Someone get the Greenie!"
"She's going into the maze!"
"Get her!"

Just as she was about to step through the two walls someone tackled her to the ground. Her head hit the hard grassy dirty and she closed her eyes rubbing her head. She opened her eyes to see a larger man than Newt, glaring at her. He had a buzz cut and had the same kind of dirty clothes Newt had. Her voice was loud and in pain.

"God, I think you concussed me you dickhole!"

She rubbed her head and saw a few other guys running up to them.

"Galley! We said stop her from going into the maze not stop her from being able to think straight!"

She turned to see Newt scolding the asshole who just tackled her. Newt helped her up and she glared at the guy she only knew to be Galley.

"She was inches away from the maze, if i didn't stop her she would be griever food."

"My knight in shining armor."

The girl mumbled to herself after Galley spoke. She rubbed her head again as she watched a dark skinned man walk toward her and stuck out his hand.

"I'm Alby. I wish i could show you around myself, but Newt will have to do it since i have work to do."

She shook his hand and looked to Newt who nodded. Alby addressed the peanut gallery.

"Everyone back to work! Shows over!"

Everyone left Newt and the girl alone and Newt filled her in on everything.


"Do you understand?"

Newt had turned to her and she nodded tucking her hair behind her ear. She heard footsteps behind her and she turned around looking at the mazes opening. Newt had told her everything about the maze, including the runners. She saw two boys running out of the separation in the walls. She sees a buff asian boy running past with sweat dripping from his forehead. His black hair was fixed nicely, which was both confusing and impressive. She watched him run ahead of the other runner who she didn't pay much attention too.

"Who's that?"

She turned to Newt.

"That's Minho. Keeper of the runners."

She watched intently as he ran to a small hut and closed the door behind him. She looked back at Newt.

"Could i be a runner?"

She didn't even like running. But for some reason seeing Minho run, it gave her motivation. She looked back at the maze.

"You can't just be a runner, you have to be chosen."

She shrugged

"Okay, by who?"

Newt looked back at the hut Minho went into.

"The keeper of the runners."


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