Y/N ♡

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Sleep didn't come easy for the Greenie. She tossed and turned all night. She found herself only getting a few hours of sleep and waking up before the sun even rose. She sat up rubbing her eyes. She still had so many questions, but for right now, she was just hungry. She literally couldn't even remember the last time she ate. She looked to her side and was surprised to see that she wasn't the only one awake.

"What are you doing awake Greenie?"

Minho looked to her as he slipped on his shoes.

"I could ask you the same question, couldn't i?"

"You could, but i have an explanation. Runners have to wake up earlier to snag breakfast and wait at the doors."

He motioned to the maze.

"What's your excuse?"

She looked down. She didn't have a good one. She told him the truth.

"I just couldn't sleep. I'm still kind of confused about everything I guess."

The boy stood up and looked back.

"You coming to breakfast?"

She nodded and slipped on her sneakers. They walked to the kitchen and greeted Frypan.

"Mornin' Minho. Greenie."

Frypan smiled at the two of them and handed them breakfast. It was some kind of sludgy porridge. She didn't know if it was edible but she sat down and saw Minho digging in. She was too hungry to even care. She started eating and looked to Minho.

"Isn't being a runner..scary?"

Minho looked up caught off guard. He laughed a bit.

"Shuck yea, but we gotta find a way outta here don't we?"

She smiled a bit, nodding.

"So, you remember your name yet?"

"No, the only thing I remember is Thomas."

"Maybe that's your name."

The girl laughed.

"That is not my name. I just...wonder who Thomas is. I mean he had to have been important to me if he's the only thing I remember."

Minho shrugged.

"Do you think it would be stupid for me to purposely hit my head again so i can remember?"

Minho gave her a weird look.

"That would be very stupid. I mean, from what i've heard, yesterday when you got here you hit your head, right?"

She nodded.

"Did you get a memory then?"


She sighed. He was right. The two sat in silence for a moment and then Minho spoke."

"Today you'll have to try out for some jobs. I'm sure Newt already told you the job options, right?"

She nodded again and whined.

"I'm too tired to do that."

Minho laughed and left his tray. He stood up.

"Well, duty calls. See ya later, shebean!"

She looked at him confused. Shebean? Seriously?  She watched as he grabbed his lunch stuffing it in his pack. He ran off to the maze walls and she watched as the opening started to appear. Minho and another runner ran off into the maze. She sighed and gave her tray to Frypan.


She had a long day of trying out for jobs. She wasn't the best at any of them really, her doing the best with Frypan in the kitchen. She ended up going to the top of the watchtower, kicking her feet off the side. She was afraid of heights but she didn't really care in this moment. She thought back to earlier. Her conversation with Minho. She still thought about hitting her head to knock the memories back into her. She ultimately decided against it. Though she still couldn't help but wonder about Thomas. It felt like a piece of her was missing, and maybe Thomas was that piece of her. She laid back and looked at the sky. The sun was setting. She couldn't bring herself to get up and walk to get dinner. She laid there for a while just thinking. Her thoughts got cut short however when she heard someone climbing up the watch tower.

"Hey Greenie, dinner! Get it while you can."

She looked back at Newt and smiled, forcing herself up. She walked with Newt and got her dinner, sitting beside him as she ate. Some guys talked to her, trying to flirt probably. As she was finishing her food she saw Minho and who she knew as Ben running out of the maze. They ran and got dinner, Minho sitting across from Newt and Ben sitting beside him.

The rest of dinner was normal. Nothing special. She put her tray up and walked back to the homestead. She sat in her hammock, exhausted from the work she had done today. She saw Minho walk in laying on his hammock.

"So, how did you do today shebean?"

"Could you please stop calling me that? Also it went okay I guess."

"I'll stop calling you shebean when you remember your name, alright?"

She scoffed and laid back.

"Frypan said you were great working with him, did you enjoy it?"

The girl had fallen into a deep sleep. Minho looked over to her and chuckled.

"Well goodnight then, shebean."


She saw bright lights surrounding her, faces of everyone in the Glade. She saw Newts face on a computer, followed by Minhos. She looked to her side and saw a male that looked strikingly similar to her.

"Y/N, are you sure you want to do this?"

It was like something else was controlling her. She heard the words come out of her mouth without thinking.

"I can't watch Minho do this anymore Thomas.."

She looked back to the computer. She noticed letters on the screen.


Her body jolted awake. She looked around. It was pitch black and everyone in the Glade was asleep. It was a dream. It was so real though. It felt more like a memory. If it was a memory, was that her name? It had to have been. How did she know Thomas? Was he a friend? A colleague? Family? He did look similar to her. She thought back to the dream and the letters stung in her brain.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2023 ⏰

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