Thomas ♡

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At dinner, she walked to the kitchen and got food from who Newt introduced to her as Frypan. She saw Newt motion for her to come sit with him. She wasn't really comfortable with anyone else yet. She sat beside him and smiled. She pushed her food around, not really having an appetite. She was still so confused. Not about the Glade, Newt had explained everything. More about why she was here. Why the creators, as Newt called them, put her here. The only girl. If it was a punishment, consider her punished. She was so in thought she didn't listen to the conversation at her table. She saw Minho walk over and she straightened her posture a bit. Minho spoke as he sat down in front of the girl.

"Ah, that's new. A girl."

As he spoke she looked down. A bit embarrassed. Was that seriously what she was known as? She didn't even know her name yet, but still. She leaned her head on her hand as she looked at Minho.

"I'm Minho."

She smiled. She already knew that, but didn't feel like telling him. She sighed as she pushed her plate away.

"Anyone want extras?"

A few guys nodded and they split her food between them. Newt looked to her.

"Not hungry Greenie?"

She wished they would stop calling her that.

"What even is a Greenie? Also, no. Appetite is ruined."

"A Greenie, my friend, is what we call the new comer. Each month the box comes up and we get another Greenie."

Newt explained. She looked a bit confused but nodded and stood up.

"So where am i sleeping?"

A chubby boy piped up from the other side of the table. He smiled widely and left his plate.

"I'll show you! I'm done eating anyway."

She nodded and said goodbye to Newt. She followed the boy towards the homestead. She looked towards the sky, which was dark. She heard the boy speak again.

"I'm Chuck! I'm the youngest one here. I just got here about two months ago, being the Greenie is rough."

She nodded and they walked into the homestead. He showed her where she'd be sleeping and she sat down.

"Wait, your not planning on sleeping now are ya?"

She gave him a confused look.

"I mean..I was."

"We've got a surprise for you!"

As he said that she heard sounds of celebrating, and what she heard as an attempt of music. She heard cheering and walked out of the homestead confused. She looked in the distance and saw a huge bonfire. She turned to Chuck who was already running towards the other guys. She followed him and found Newt.

"Newt, what's going on?"

Newt smiled at the girl.

"We do this every month when a new Greenie gets here. Here."

He handed her a jar of a mysterious liquid she would rather not drink.

"What is that?"

She her grabbed the jar and smelled it, the strong stench alone made her gag.

"It's Galleys secret recipe."

"Well, Galleys piss drink smells like straight ass water."

Newt laughed as he took a sip. She looked around and saw other guys drinking it too. She would rather get killed in the maze then drink that shit.


About 30 minutes later, the girl was still sitting by Newt as they talked about whatever. Chuck
walked up to her.

"Hey! Wanna watch Galley fight people?"

She laughed and stood up waving goodbye to Newt.

"Is that even a question?"

They walked over and she saw Galley tackling another guy to the ground. She remembered when he did that earlier. That scumbag. Cheers were heard as Galley put his hands up in victory. His eyes went to the Greenie.

"Want a go? I'll go soft."

"No need to."

The girl ripped a string of her tank top off and used it to tie her hair, entering the circle.

"Rules are simple Greenie. I try to push you out of the circle, and you try not to break a nail."

She heard laughs among the guys watching. She crossed her arms.

"I'd recommend you worry less about me, and more about your huge ass ego."

The crowd was thrown off by her comment and laughed. Galley shrugged at her. Before she knew it, he tackled her to the ground. Not out of the circle. She was still in. She stood up and looked at Galley who was smiling like a dumbass. She caught him off guard and tackled him to the ground. He got back up and they ran towards each other. Her feet slid across the dirt as she was pushed back and she stopped in her tracks to move out of his way. He fell out of the circle and everyone cheered. She smiled at the crowd and gave a small bow. Claps were heard and she stopped smiling once Galley got up,  pushed her into the dirt and she hit her head. It wasn't the same as earlier. It was like a memory was knocked into her, she remembered a name. It wasn't her name though. It was a different name. She looked up in both panic and worry. Before she knew it, she was screaming the name.

"Thomas! Thomas! Thomas!"

She hugged her knees and tears fell from her eyes. Galley looked confused at the girl and Newt ran to her.

"Hey, hey, Greenie what's wrong?"

She looked up at Newt with glassy eyes and a wet cheek.


"Who's Thomas, Greenie?

"I don't know..I don't remember.."

Newt helped her up and she brushed off her pants, holding her head.

"Damn, was earlier not enough for you?"

She looked at Galley. Newt took her to the homestead and she sat down confused more than ever. Who was Thomas? Why was he so important? Some time had passed and she heard someone walking in and lay down in the hammock beside hers. It was Minho,

"Nice job out there Greenie."


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